Sunday 30 April 2017

What a bonus!

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

So, did we really have a holiday or was it purely a figment of our imaginations? We certainly came back with all guns blazing, so to speak, as you will see in this week's installment.

Celebration Assembly Part Two

As promised in the previous Blog, here are a few more pictures from our Celebration Assembly at the end of last term. Apologies if there are any repeats...

Variety is the spice of life!

Many of our Year Fives are members of our school Drama Club and were involved in the DMS Variety Show at the end of last term.

Well done to all of you who made this show such a success - bravo!

Food, glorious food!

On the last Blog I posted a few pictures of the wonderful work that was produced in the Resistant Materials Group so this week it is the turn of the Food Technology Group. I warn you now, looking at the following pictures might make you feel hungry!

Right, where's the biscuit tin?!

Worth a Mention Children

Huge congratulations to this week's Worth a Mention Children.

Well done one and all!

Mind the Gap

This Friday, we decided to shake things up a bit and complete a 'crash course' in grammar and punctuation so that our children are ready and raring to go when they move to Year Six. 

Each week, I will focus on different groups - this week it is the turn of my group. Our theme was 'Grammar' and we looked at nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns (so many different types, it's frightening!), determiners, articles and prepositions.

We had a lot of fun didn't we?

Mrs Daniel's been at it again...

Words fail me. 
Please, please, please could someone let me know what on earth this 'picture' represents in the Comments section? Thank you so much.

Well, that is it for this week. It was quite an epic blog for a first week back wasn't it? I hope you enjoyed reading the lives and tribulations of Year Five - please do feel free to comment on the Blog, it's gone a bit quiet on that front recently!

Have a good week everyone and I'll see you back here next week.

Mrs Ray

(who is loving the long weekend but hating the rainy weather - typical Bank Holiday weather I guess!)


  1. Hello Mrs Ray
    I think it might be some sort of dog maybe a poodle? I dont know.
    see you at school
    Amelie C

  2. Theresa Schnorr5 May 2017 at 14:19

    Robin and I reckon it is a sheep,representing where wool comes from?

  3. Hello mrs.ray I think it might be some sort of sheep or dog but I am not sure. See you at school
    Charlotte gallego
