Saturday 6 May 2017

Short but Sweet

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

I hope you have all had a good week. 
In typical Year Five style, we have managed to pack an awful lot into our mere four days. 
Let's delve into this wonderful world and see what the children (and staff) have been up to...  

Weighing it up

Maths is so much fun in Year Five and the progress the children make is truly impressive. In Mrs Ray and Miss Enever's Maths Group this week, we have been learning about converting units of measurement. One of the lessons focused on converting units of measurement for mass and we found some wonderful items to weigh and convert.

We love our washing line and have found it really useful, especially when we have had a go at converting other units of measurement.

The Wow Writers

We have a new writing group in Year Five all thanks to these two young ladies...

The Wow Writers are a group of children who have been invited to join a lunchtime creative writing club and will meet meet fortnightly to write about a chosen theme. The aim is that, by the end of the term, we will have a range of writing to hopefully publish and sell.

The first meeting was all about deciding which direction to take so that when they meet again next week, they know what they are going to write about. The children have complete and utter freedom when it comes to their writing - their enthusiasm is contagious!

The theme next week is 'Underwater'.
Watch this space...

Assembly Fun

This Wednesday, I met with the Pupil Voice Representatives so Mr Duffy and Mrs Daniel very kindly agreed to lead the Year Five Assembly.

It looked as though you had far too much fun! 
Please could someone be brave and write in the comments section what on earth was going on? They'll be credits for you if you do!

Calais Action 

On Thursday, Mrs Stoker from Puddletown First School visited Year Five and brought with her a few of her Pupil Voice Representatives. I invited along our Pupil Voice Representatives as well, more of that later.

Mrs Stoke recently ran the London Marathon for Calais Action, a DASP supported charity:

CALAIS ACTION is a grass roots giving movement, supported by a network of volunteers who aim to provide support to those in Calais and Europe and raise awareness of the growing humanitarian crisis currently occurring.

In August 2015 Libby Freeman established the group to support the growing refugee crisis in mainland Europe. Returning from her first visit to Calais to take donations to 'The Jungle' Libby felt more needed to be done to support the growing refugee crisis and so Calais Action was founded.  

Mrs Stoker has, so far, raised over £2300 for this fabulous charity and a lot of the DASP schools have held various fundraising events to support. All the schools who have supported Mrs Stoker and Calais Action were represented on the day of the London Marathon by having a coloured ribbon sewn onto her running vest and Dorchester Middle School was included.

On Friday 12th May, we will be holding a cake sale called Cakes for Calais in the Hall at break time. This is being organised by our Pupil Voice Representatives (hence their attendance at our assembly) who will feed back to their classes about this charity and what we can do to help.

If you would like to donate cakes for Friday's cake sale that would be fantastic! We will send out a text message on Monday to confirm Cakes for Calais and request cake donations. If we can make £150 from our cake sale then it will take Mrs Stoker over £2500 - wouldn't that be amazing?

Worth a Mention Children

Massive congratulations to this week's Worth a Mention Children whose names are proudly displayed in the Year Five corridor! Another wonderful set of reasons for this impressive accolade. 
Well done to every single one of you.

Safe Wise

Image result for safe wise weymouth

Hopefully you would have received the letter letting you know about our next trip which will be to the Safewise Centre in Weymouth. Historically we have visited Streetwise in Bournemouth but we thought we would give our local branch a go this year. If your child has been there before please don't worry that it will simply be a repeat of their previous visit, each year group has a different programme to follow so, hopefully, it will be a different experience.

So, that's it for another week. I hope you all have a super week and look forward to 'seeing' you back here next weekend.

Mrs Ray

(who is going to find working a five day week something of a challenge!) 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs Ray
    In assembly people came to the frount and wear acting out The Enormous Turnip while Mrs Daniel read it from the book. The theme was team work.
    I have permission in my diary to help on Saturday.
    See you at school.
    Amelie C 5ER
