Monday 17 April 2017

A slightly belated Happy Easter one and all!

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Well, we made it to the end of term and if my calculations are correct, you all made it in one piece! Hoorah! At the time of writing this post, we have been on holiday for just over a week so I hope that you are all in the process of having a fabulous holiday and that you haven't overdosed on chocolate like I have!

So, we had a really busy last week of term didn't we?

Let's go back down Memory Lane and see what we got up to...

Design Technology Projects

Mrs Gowers is always extremely proud of Year Five's work in all aspects of Design Technology so she was very keen for me to have a look at the recent batch of projects from your Resistent Materials lessons.

You are sooooo clever Year Five - well done! Your creativity and skill is a force to be reckoned with!

Worth a Mention Children

Massive congratulations to ALL of the children who found their names on this week's Worth a Mention Board. It was lovely to see that a couple of classes were WAMs for working so well as a collective - brilliant!

Celebration Assembly

It was lovely to welcome all 120, yes, 120 of you to our Celebration Assembly on the last day of term. I'm sorry it was a bit of an epic but it was fantastic to see every child involved in the assembly in some shape or form.

Now, many apologies, I don't have all the wonderful pictures that Miss Enever took due to technical 'issues' so here are the ones we have for now and I will put more pictures on when I can access them.

This was the first Celebration Assembly that I have hosted this academic year and I have to say that I enjoyed it immensely. The number of stripes that the children earned was very impressive, especially as the Spring Term was a lot shorter than the Autumn term. 

Well done to everyone who participated in the assembly, I loved it all, especially the presentations from each class.

Here's to the next one... 

Pupil Voice Blog

One of the many 'treats' I have for being part of the Extended Senior Leadership Team is to guide/supervise/advice our Pupil Voice Representatives. During our most recent meeting, the children formed committees that are now led by our Year Eight Pupil Voice Representatives.  

Their enthusiasm and commitment to their roles are second to none and I am impressed with the direction that they are taking our Pupil Voice in.

On these differing Committees, we have twenty Year Five children who are terrific and are bringing a lot to this particular party!

I am delighted that we now have a Pupil Voice Blog Committee who are brimming full of good ideas and will keep everyone fully informed with any ideas, initiatives and decisions that are made on a more regular basis. Watch this space...

Well, that 's it for another week/fortnight. I'll be back at the end of April with more news and feedback on the wonderful world of Year Five.

May the rest of your holiday be lots of fun and I hope that batteries are recharging so you are ready and raring to go on the 24th April - your last term in Year Five (sob!).

Mrs Ray

(who has eaten her bodyweight in chocolate which is no mean feat, I can tell you!)

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