Sunday 9 September 2018

Well hello there!

Hello and a very warm welcome to the Year Five Blog!

Well, we had a brilliant three days with your fabulous children! They have started their new school with an excellent attitude and even though there has been the occasional (and very understandable) wobble, my heart has been warmed by the smiling faces and friendly greetings.

The children looked incredibly smart in their new uniforms and who knows, some of them may even grow into them by the time they reach Year Eight! I had the pleasure of teaching 5PC Games this week and getting changed was a bit of an epic task, especially with stiff buttons on new shirts! I am sure they will get quicker at getting changed over the next few weeks (they managed a school record of 30 minutes!) and that goes for all the classes who will have Games and PE over the next few days!

Every week, I endeavour to bring you the comings and goings of the wonderful world of Year Five via this Blog. Sometimes the entries are short (like today) and sometimes they are a bit of an epic. Well, I like to keep you all on your toes!

Golden Time

Image result for golden time school

This is will be new to a lot of you and there will be a couple of changes for this year that I will let you know about another time soon.

The biggest change this year will be that Golden Time is now on a Wednesday and NOT a Friday. That means that:
  • Your reads need to be signed in by an adult 
  • Your diary needs to be signed for the previous week (so that will be the week commencing 3rd September)
  • You need to make sure that your Homework (if you have any) MUST be handed in on time. 

I won't mention the D word (Detention) at this stage!


Coming to Middle School is a huge step with lots of new expectations, rules and regulations. We don't expect everyone to remember everything all of the time, we are human after all!

Image result for pencil case

Pencil cases are a new concept for many of our children aren't they? They will need to have a handwriting pen to use rather than a biro. Our super School Shop still very reasonably priced handwriting pens. It is open every Monday and Friday break time and is well worth investigating. 

Worth a Mention Children

We have this lovely board in our corridor but it is empty and, quite frankly, boring to look at.

Next Friday, you may well find your name on this board!
Watch this space...

So, that's it for the first Blog of the academic year!

I would like to say a HUGE 'Thank You' to the incredible Year Five Team who have worked tirelessly to ensure that the children's first three days have been informative, fun and not as scary as they could have been! They are an amazing team and we are so lucky to have them!

See you all next week to find out what Year Five have got up to.

Mrs Ray

(who took part in Longleat's Glow in the Dark 5km on Saturday. Please be assured that we got a bit of a sprint on when we went past the lions!)

Me and my 10 year old daughter Elsie

My Runblandford Running Buddies