Sunday 1 July 2018

...and they're off!

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Blimey! How busy was that week? I don't think I have ever felt as physically tired as I did at the end of Wednesday's Sports Day! I can't believe how lucky we were with the weather and it looks set to continue over many days. Please remember to apply sun cream, drink plenty of water and wear a hat to protect your head - I can't begin to tell you how important that is.
Lecture over.
On with the Blog... 

Out of this Planet Part Two

A huge thank you to Ted and Mrs White for taking a few more pictures of these amazing homeworks - they really are out of this world! Mrs White was extremely impressed with the originality and quality of these homeworks. They were quite the envy of the Year Five corridor!

Well done 5CW!

Sports Day

What an amazing day! As usual, the Sports Department excelled themselves and put on fantastic Sports Day. I was so impressed with all of the children in the school but the Year Five children were, without doubt, exceptional.
I was lucky enough to be able to get out and about with my camera to get a few pictures of the day to share with you...

Playground Games



Table Tennis

Tug of War


A few of the winners

Well done to all those who won a medal - I have never won a medal for a sporting event in my life so I can imagine that it's a fantastic feeling. I am very proud of you all!

However, at the end of the day there was one class who won in Year Five and that was the amazing 5AD!

What a brilliant achievement - well done! 
To everyone who participated in Sports Day I just want to say that you were all incredible! To watch you go out there and try your hardest, regardless of how 'sporty' you regard yourselves was a joy to behold and you made me extremely proud to be your Progress leader.

A special mention must go to Miss Randall and Mrs Daniel. Not only did both of their classes win in their year groups, 6NR were 5AD last year! Genius!

What a great day!

Worth a Mention Children

Image result for shrek: puss n' boots

Oh dear!
I have failed again.
I totally forgot to take a picture of the Worth a Mention Board.
I am so sorry.
Needless to say, EVERYONE was on the board this week because of your amazing achievements and behaviour on Sports Day.
I couldn't think of a more fitting tribute!

Back to your roots!

It's that time of year again, didn't that come round quickly?
Transfer Day will soon be upon us so we have been going back to the First Schools to meet the Year Four children and to reassure them that everything will be fine when they arrive!

Mrs Daniel, Ms Grassby and I had the pleasure of taking these lovelies back to Damers and look who we bumped into!

Transfer Day

Whilst on the subject of Transfer Day - Year Five will find out their Year Six Homebases on Thursday morning. They will spend the first two lessons with their new Homebase Tutors so they get to know each other. 
We are hoping to provide a couple of extra transition sessions before the end of term to help ease the children into the wonderful world of Year Six. 

Well, that's it for another week. I hope you have a fabulous few days and I will look forward to seeing you back here next week with more Year Five loveliness.

Mrs Ray 

(who had her own sporting achievement this week when she only went and got another Personal Best (PB) at this week's Parkrun!)