Friday 18 March 2016

Ancient History

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Another hectic week in Year Five to report, we just don't seem to stop do we? The learning has been excellent but, as you'll read later in the Blog, the behaviour has not always complimented it.
We have a four day week next week with lots of lovely things in the pipeline. Let's all have a great few days and end the term on a high.

Ancient Egypt Day

What a mummytastic day that was! 
Thank you to the Year Five staff who organised such a fun yet educational day.
The children had a great time and learned a lot in the process.
We were really impressed with the children who had dressed up for the day. Choosing a winner from each class was really hard but we hope that you enjoyed participating in the Fashion Show and, quite literally, walking like an Egyptian!

I hope you enjoy the following photographs and that they they give you a sense of what the day was like. 

Thank you Miss Enever for really capturing the day.
Should we dress up when we go the British Museum?
Just a thought...

Speed Sharing

I was lucky enough to spy 5KD sharing their favourite pieces of writing with Mrs Thomas earlier this week. 
It was so lovely to see and hear the children being so enthusiastic about their writing.

Well done 5KD.

British Museum Reminder

It's not long now until we visit the British Museum on the 14th April. I am so excited, are you?
There are quite a few outstanding £10 payments that need to come in as soon as possible. We are also missing a few permission slips and without them we will not be able to take your child with us.

If you need a replacement letter, please could collect one from the school office as soon as possible, it would be such a shame for any of our children to miss such a fantastic opportunity and see some of the most incredible artifacts relating to Ancient Egypt in this country.

Golden Time

This week 18, yes, 18 children missed their Golden Time.

I am very sad to report that 8 children missed their Golden Time because they had a detention this week.

Following a few really positive weeks, it's such a shame that some of our children are not receiving their Golden Time. I sincerely hope that the year group can turn this around so that no-one misses their Golden Time next Thursday.

Watch this space....

Worth a Mention Children

Huge congratulations to this week's Worth a Mention children. I am absolutely thrilled for you as I know what a great achievement this is. When looking at the reasons why these children have been chosen, it is so good to read about all the extra effort is being made in lessons and homework.
Well done everyone.

Celebration Assembly Reminder

Just a final reminder about Wednesday's Celebration Assembly.
We are aiming to start at 9.30am and anticipate that our assembly should last for approximately an hour.
I am so impressed with the number of children who will be receiving certificates on Wednesday, it's such a testament to all their hard work and commitment to their learning.
The PTA will be serving tea and coffee in the Hall which will be open from 9.10am.

Forest Schools

Image result for forest schools
Have you been lucky enough to attend a Forest Schools Session at all? If you have, they are rather brilliant aren't they?

I happened to spy the latest Forest Schools recruits having what can only be described as, well let's face it, fun!

Loving the onesies!!! Hope you had a good session.

So, that's it for another week. Please do make a comment, you know it always makes my day when you do. I have been much better at signing Citizenship credits for those who make the effort so it's definitely worth doing isn't it?

Have a good week everyone and I shall look forward to welcoming lots of you to our Celebration Assembly where we have a lovely assembly planned for you.

Mrs Ray

(who is secretly pleased that she did dress up as Ancient Egyptian in the end but don't tell anyone I said that!)


  1. It was funny dressing up the same as Mrs Ray. Minna 5AD

  2. Ancient Egyptian day was fun. Merry 5ER

  3. I'm really sad I didn't dress up like wish I could go back in time and beat Ry at the competition Georgia e 5er

  4. I had a lode of fun molly's costume was amazing

  5. I want to say a very big thank you to Mrs ray and all of the year 5 staff you guys are the best teachers that I will ever have thank you.

  6. you are the best thank you :-}

  7. forest schools looks very fun you must love doing all the activities I also love the onesies.

  8. I loved speed reading with Mrs Thomas I thought that it was extremely fun

  9. Ancient Egyptian day was really fun but I couldn't find an outfit to wear Alina 5KD.

  10. I loved ancient Egyptian day i had so much fun it was cool finding out what people came to school dressed up in . Shannon Richards 5ad
