Tuesday 29 March 2016

What an 'eggcellent' end to the term!

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Well, I hope you all had a fabulous Easter and that you managed to eat your body weight in Easter eggs?! I had a jolly good go at it but I am sure there is room for improvement!

It may have only been a four day week but we can never be accused of winding down to the end of term can we? Let's have a look and see what the children got up to on the last few days of the Spring Term...

The Jungle Book

I was incredibly impressed with this year's school production of The Jungle Book. I brought my daughter and her friend to come and see it and we were blown away by the excellent performances by every single member of the cast. It really was an absolute treat and I would like to congratulate every single person who was involved in this extravaganza.

I would like to especially mention our Year Five children who were truly excellent in their first DMS production. I was an extremely proud Head of Year, I can tell you!

Celebration Assembly

I have to say, this was one of the most enjoyable Celebration Assemblies ever! All 105 of you were a great audience and it was such an honour and pleasure to witness so many children receiving their well-deserved certificates. I thought the song you sang at the beginning was simply brilliant (it's been in my head ever since!) and I loved the contributions you made when you were explaining what you did on our recent Ancient Egypt Day.

Thank you for such a lovely assembly Year Five, I can't wait for the next one...!

Apologies, apologies, apologies

Unfortunately, there were a few 'certificate casualties' in 5ER so we would like to right that wrong...

Well done Georgia B (Bronze), Ry (Silver), Georgia E (Gold) and Luke (who was poorly), a huge congratulations on your achievements.

Speed Sharing

Mrs Klein managed to capture a few pictures of 5ER 'Speed Sharing' with Mrs Thomas on the Monday of the last week.

Mrs Thomas continues to be impressed with the excellent writing that is produced in Year Five. Quite rightly so, you all work so hard in your lessons so it is lovely when your efforts being acknowledged by a wider audience.
Well done Year Five.

Music Lesson

As you know, Miss Enever is our 'roving photographer' and she took a few intriguing pictures of 5ER in their Music Lesson last week.

It looks as though there are quite a few budding musicians in the class doesn't it? Should Gary Barlow be nervous?!

What were you actually doing 5ER? I'm intrigued!

Poetry Competition

We rounded off our fabulous term with the Year Five Performance Poetry Competition.

A huge 'thank you' to all the parents and carers who supported the children by helping them learn their chosen poems off by heart. 

Each class produced a finalist and the winner from each class went through to the grand final.

We asked Mrs Scott and Miss Rathmell's English Group to be the judging panel.

The finalists

Listening to each performance was an absolute joy and what a fantastic variety of poems!

 However, there could only be one winner and that was Taya in 5CW with her fantastic rendition of one of Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes.

A HUGE well done to every single child that took part, now that was a homework with a difference wasn't it?!

British Museum Final Reminder!

Please don't forget that we need to leave at 6.15am on the absolute dot on Thursday 14th April. If we are late leaving we get caught in the traffic which will make us late for our first workshop! If you are not here in time, we will go without you!

We also have quite a few outstanding final payments, permission slips, medical forms and information as to how your child will be getting home on our arrival back from London. Please ensure that these are handed in to school as soon as possible!

Well, that's it for a couple of weeks. This Blogger is going to have a bit of a break until the middle of April.

I hope you all have a good break Year Five, you certainly deserve it! Thank you for all your hard work, enthusiasm and all round loveliness. 

I look forward to seeing you on the 11th April all ready and raring to go for you last term in Year Five (sob!). We have got so much to look forward to don't we, especially that special trip up to London on the 14th April!

Have a lovely holiday!

Mrs Ray

(who is starting to train herself for that extra early 'get up' on the 14th April!)


  1. What a brilliant celebration assembly, yet again the children were amazing. Its hard to believe that Josh will be starting his final term in year 5. Where has that time gone? He has had an absolute blast and has enjoyed every minute of it, and I think that has something to do with the teachers!!. He is looking forward to the London trip and can't wait.

  2. that was a really good week this term i am getting a gold certifiate last term i got a bronze so i am looking forward to this one
