Friday 11 March 2016

All work and no play...

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Blimey! Another hectic week - your children must be shattered - I know we are!
As usual, lots to report so without further a do, let's crack on...

Competition Winners

A huge congratulations to Noah and Merry who won the Year Five World Book Day competitions. Noah won the Bookmark competition whilst Merry won the Extreme Reading Challenge.

Well done you two on such a terrific achievement.

Here is Merry's incredible winning entry:

Here are a couple of other Year Five entries that I spied on display...

Definitely 'extreme'!

Maths Group Madness

If your child is in mine and Miss Enever's Maths Group, and they have told you that we have been writing on tables this week then, I'm afraid, it's true!
We have been learning how to divide using the 'Singapore Bar' method to support the 'bus stop' strategy. This has resulted in us getting out the 'Base 10' apparatus and trying to visualize what these numbers actually look like, if that makes sense?

It really helped the children understand this particular method of division because it is so visual.

Paper Investigation

It looks as though 5AD have been have a ripping time in Science this week! They carried out an investigation to work out which type of paper was the strongest.

Was this Chris being a 'human calculator' by any chance?

Worth a Mention Children

Congratulations to this week's Worth a Mention children.
It's lovely to see all the reasons why you have been chosen by your teachers, I am extremely impressed.
Well done one and all!

Golden Time

This week, 8 children missed their Golden Time in Year Five, a definite improvement on last week.
Now, the question is, can we reduce that number for next week?
What do you reckon Year Five?

Ancient Egypt Day

Image result for ancient egypt humour

It's nearly here and we can't wait!
On Monday we have a great day planned for the children. 
We will start the day with our classes learning about an aspect of life in Ancient Egyptian times.
After break we will be holding a Fashion Show to look at all the costumes of the day. 
There will be prizes, I warn you now.

In the afternoon we will swap classes so the children can learn about a different aspect of Ancient Egypt.
If you don't want to dress up or wear a costume, please don't worry, it's not compulsory! 

Celebration Assembly

Just to remind you that our next Celebration Assembly will be held on Wednesday 23rd March at 9.30am in the Drama Hall. It will last for roughly an hour.
Put it in your diaries!

Book Group Outing

On Sunday, the School Librarian Mrs Scott and I took 14 members of Book Group to The Mayflower at Southampton to see a performance of the excellent Hetty Feather.

It was such a brilliant play, we all thoroughly enjoyed the performance and came home on our (delayed) train full of enthusiasm!
Thank you Mrs Scott for organising it, we had a great time!

Emma's Poem

Emma in 5ER showed this to me the other day and I just had to include it in the Blog. When you read it, you'll see why.

Be careful of words, for they become scars.
Be careful of those scars, for they become memories.
Be careful of the memories, for they become feelings.
Be careful of their feelings, for they become actions.
Be careful of your actions for they can hurt.

How very true Emma, how very true.

British Museum Trip

British Museum from NE 2.JPG

It's not long now until our exciting trip up to London to visit the incredible British Museum.
I hope you are practicing getting up early as we MUST leave the school by 6.15am on the morning of the trip!!!
You have been warned!

Pick a word, any word!

I noticed that a lot of the children who were on the Worth a Mention Board this week was due to their fantastic homework.
Here are a few from 5ER...

Our roving camera will catch up with the rest of the classes so we can see what you have produced.

A New Addition

This morning I heard the distinctive sound of  a staple gun being used! When I went out to investigate, I saw Mrs Daniel putting up this rather fabulous display.
5AD, your writing is excellent, well done!


This is Eliza. She is a hardworking, conscientious and lovely girl. She is also an excellent netball player and has been successfully playing in a few matches recently.
She is the only Year Five member of the Year Five and Six Netball Team and for that young Eliza, we salute you! 

Well, that's it for another week. Tune into next week's Blog where we I will be reporting back on our Ancient Egypt Day and give you more information about the up and coming British Museum trip.

Have a good week everyone and please do comment on the Blog - you know it makes my day when you leave comments.

Mrs Ray

(who is panicking about her costume for Monday!)


  1. I loved the Hetty Feather book group trip. Thank you Mrs Scott.
    I'm also looking forward to Ancient Egyptian day on Monday.
    Beth L 5ER

  2. Well done Chris!!
