Friday 5 December 2014

We've got something exciting to tell you...

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

I have lots to report to you this week so, if you don't mind, I'm going to crack on!

Life Cycle Homeworks

As reported last week, I was incredibly impressed with the quality of this homework.

Now, please forgive me but I was unable to (despite a lot of effort) get these pictures to face the 'right way up' so I don't think the following pictures will do this fabulous homework justice. Please use your imaginations and turn the screen if at all possible!

Sorry 5CW, please don't be offended!!!

A Special Visitor

As part of our English work on Non Chronological Reports (NCRs), we have been looking at Emperor Penguins in great detail. Word got out in the Penguin world and, as a result, 5GR received a visitor.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you...

Pete the Penguin!!

He was very helpful in class and made lots of  helpful suggestions when it came to note taking.

I will be sad when he goes back to Antarctica, he's been a fabulous Teaching Assistant!

Helping Hands

These are the hands on display so far, they're gorgeous aren't they?
We have two more money raising opportunities for the Save the Children's Ebola Relief Fund :

Friday 12th December - Save the Children's Christmas Jumper Day
For a mere 50p, the children can wear their Christmas jumpers for the day. Please note that it will be just a Christmas Jumper, the children will still need to wear the rest of their normal school uniform as usual. 

Tuesday 16th December - Christmas Cake Sale
5CW will be holding a festive cake sale at break time in the Year Five Corridor. Initially, this will be just for the Year Five children but if we are inundated with contributions then we will open it up to the rest of the school.

Carol Service

What a fantastic evening! Year Five performed 'One Bright Star' to perfection and I was an extremely proud Head of Year. Thank you to all of the children who performed so beautifully and to all of the supportive parents and member of staff who attended.
If you were unable to attend, here are a few pictures to give you a flavour of the evening.

I was very pleased to have brought along my tissues as I must confess that my eyes did well up when the children were singing 'One Bright Star'. I've had it in my head all week!

Sorry Oscar!

Mrs Daniel informed me (with her hands on her hips) that I named the wrong cat in last week's blog. It was Oscar who was 'wearing' the glasses and not Tizzy. 

As an apology, I thought a picture of Mrs Daniel dressed up for Year 6's Decades Day would be a good starting point?!?


The weather has definitely turned colder hasn't it? Well, we need to keep reminding Year Five of this fact on a daily basis! Please remember to bring your coats to school and to wear them when you go outside - you'll feel the benefit, promise!

...and now for the moment you have been waiting for...!!!!

In the last few years, the 'big' Year Five trip of the year group has been going to visit Hampton Court Palace, outside London, as part of our Humanities topic, The Tudors. 

Well, now it's time for a change.

With the introduction of the New Curriculum, Year Five will no longer be studying the Tudors. Instead, we will be learning about The Egyptians!

How exciting!

So, how does this link with trips?

Well, I am delighted to announce that early next year, Year Five will be visiting The British Museum in London!

We will be going on Thursday 5th March 2015 and yes, it will be a very long day but it will be so worth it!

A letter will be sent home next week with more details about the trip.

Fund Raising for our British Museum Trip

We are estimating that the cost of the trip will be approximately £22 which is, I think you will agree, excellent value for money.
However, as in previous years, Year Five will have the chance to develop their entrepreneurial skills by raising money towards the trip with the aim to reduce the overall cost.
Each class will take on a fundraising event between now and end of February so brace yourselves for lots of exciting events over the next few weeks.

We will kick off the fundraising on Tuesday 9th December by selling these gorgeous 'Little People' Christmas Decorations.

Aren't they gorgeous? They were handmade by the talented Sally Boardman and no Christmas Tree should be without at least one of these beautiful decorations.

They will be on sale in the Year Five corridor and each decoration will cost you the bargain price of £1. We only have a limited number so buy early to avoid disappointment!

Life Education Van

Just to remind you that the children will be visited by the Life Education Van on Monday and Tuesday next week.

Speed Sharing

Picture 055

At the end of every term, Mr Chadwick puts aside some of his precious time in order to meet with every single child in Year Five. He has one minute with each child and, in that time, they share with him their favourite piece of writing from the term.

We start the process next week and Mr Chadwick is really looking forward to it. Which piece of writing will you choose?

Yes, that's right, you do spy sweets in that big bowl!

Celebration Assembly 

Just to remind you that our next Year Five Celebration Assembly will be held on Monday 15th December - same time, same place. I will post more details in next week's blog.

So, that's it for another week. The blogs seem to get longer and longer don't they but I always have so much to tell you!

I hope you all have a good week and don't forget to buy those Christmas Decorations next week and to wear your Christmas Jumper on the 12th!

Mrs Ray

(who is hoping that she still fits into her Christmas Jumper...!)



  2. coooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that sounds epic Mrs Ray are we realy goeng to the british musem ?

  3. Wow what an exciting and fun, I mean educational, trip the British museum will be!! I wonder if i can get a day off to come?!!!
    Luke (5AD) told me all about the work he shared with Mr Chadwick, he seemed quite pleased with himself!! Enjoy the last few packed weeks in school!!

  4. wow speed sharing!!!G out

  5. I can't wait to do speed sharing

  6. I've brought 2 decorations and I'm very satisfied!!!!!G out
