Friday 28 November 2014

Christmas Countdown

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

What a hectic week! I don't think any of our feet have touched the ground as we have been so incredibly busy. Lots to report to you this week so here we go...

Seed Dispersal Homework

As mentioned last week, the Seed Dispersal homework that we set a couple of weeks ago was a complete and utter triumph. Here are a few more photographs to show off the children's excellent work. I warn you now, there are rather a lot of them, it was too hard to choose from Miss Enever's excellent selection.

There is a small selection of 5GR's Seed Dispersal models in the Reception area, please do come and have a look!

Life Cycles Homework

Oh my goodness me! Just when I thought the Seed Dispersal homework couldn't be topped, in comes the Life Cycle Homework!
Photographic evidence will be provided in next week's Blog!

Helping Hands

We raised an impressive £240 through our Helping Hands appeal - thank you to the children who took part in this initiative and for doing jobs around the home to 'earn' money for the Save the Children Ebola Appeal.

A lot of the classes have created 'hands' to show what they did to earn their money. This is the process the children went through:

A beautiful display is starting to form on one of the boards in the Year Five corridor, I'll show you what I mean next week.

Christmas Carol Service

As you will know, our school Christmas Carol Service will be held this coming Monday (1st December) at the St Mary the Virgin Church, Edward Road starting at 7pm. I am delighted with the number of Year Five children who will be taking part this year and can't wait to see their performances. 

Please do come along, it'll be a magical evening!

Life Education Van

The Life Education Van will be back at DMS on Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th December. Moira will be working exclusively with Year Five and we are hoping that Harold will make an appearance. His terrible jokes are legendary (or should that dromedary?!) so I am dreading and looking forward to seeing what he comes up with this year!

Glasses case chaos

It can never be said that Mrs Daniel is not observant! I could hear hysterical shrieks of laughter coming from her classroom the other day and I thought to myself  'RE was never that hilarious when I was at school' but then I went to a Convent where humour was in rather short supply at the best of times.

When I investigated, this is what I found...

George Willey's glasses case could have easily been Mrs Daniel's cat Tizzy wearing glasses.

Suits you, George!


I have never doubted Year Five's ability to use their imaginations and they certainly didn't let me down when it came to creating their own fictitious creature that lived in a specific habitat.

The idea is that we will write a Non Chronological Report in the next few days based on our animals in our English lessons. Once the groundwork is done then we will be ready and raring to go.

Here are a few examples of the animals created by members of 5KD:

Grammar Girl

Phoebe Wilson (5KD), we salute you!
Look what she did during her break time on Friday...

Clearly, Mr Duffy is an Grammar Guru...

Wow! That was quite  mega blog wasn't it? So, in return for me doing this, I would LOVE to hear from you. Lukas and Eachan are our top 'Commenters' so why don't you join them? Go on, you know you want to!

Have a good week everyone and I'll see you back here next week!

Mrs Ray
(who is definitely bringing tissues along for the Carol Service on Monday!)


  1. those seed dispersal projects look great!!!!G out

  2. awesome carol service guys!!!!!!!!G out

  3. great animals guys!!!!!!!!!G out

  4. can't wait for life education van!!!!!!!G out

  5. awesome glasses George!!!!!!!+it had me laughing so much!!!!!G out

  6. Hi Mrs Ray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so happy that we are going to the British musem i can not wait to go there it sounds so much fun!!!

  7. Hi Mrs Ray i am soooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy that we are going to London for are trip!!!

  8. hi Mrs ray your amazing. The super amazing thing is out of this planet.The trip looks amazing can't wait for it. I have one of those
    I have one of those super, amazing, out of planet, die for one of them,gust want one
    decoration on my tree .I know it's getting cold. People make me cold. LOVE the blog. Amazing glass case George. This is from Bonnie Kelman-Johns 5CW(puppy lover boo)

  9. Love the tree decs bought 4 today and another 3 tomorrow. Love reading the blogs, would be great too see more of 5pc's work :)
