Friday 12 December 2014

Are you feeling Christmassy yet?

Hello and welcome to back to the Year Five Blog!

Well, the title of this week's post asks the million dollar question - are you feeling Christmassy yet? 
After you read this post, you may well be...

Little People Christmas Decorations

A huge 'thank you' to those of you who have purchased these adorable Christmas Decorations. So far, we have made £134 which is incredible! There are still a few left so we will be selling them again in the Year Five corridor at break time on Monday.

Aaron Boardman, son of the fabulous Sally Boardman joined in the selling of  the Little People!

The money that we make will go towards paying for our British Museum trip so that means that, so far, we have nearly discounted the trip by £1 per child!

Celebration Assembly

We are looking forward to seeing you on Monday for our second Celebration Assembly of the year. If your child is due to receive a certificate then there will be a label in your child's Home/School Diary to let you know.

Please could you be in Reception as close to 1pm and we will get you seated as soon as the Hall has been cleared following a busy lunch service. You will need to sign in before you are escorted down to the Hall. 

Speed Sharing

Mr Chadwick has had a wonderful time reading the children's work and chatting to them about their learning and the progress that they are making.

Here is a small selection of the photographs taken, more next week...

Christmas Jumper Day

What a fantastic day! The children looked fabulous in their Christmas Jumpers, bought or customised. We were impressed with everyone who made an effort and there were a few generous souls who still donated even though they didn't have a Christmas-themed item of clothing.

The money we raised today will go towards our Save the Children Ebola Campaign especially as this countrywide event was created by them.

I will let you know how much we raised in next week's blog.

Christmas Cake Sale

Just a quick reminder that Year Five will be holding a Cake Sale for Save the Children's Ebola Campaign on Tuesday 16th December at breaktime. Please do donate cakes and of course, do buy them as well. Hopefully, you have received an email with all the details.

It's fun finding out!

This week, in order to complete our Ecology Topic in Science, 5GR were given a selection of 'animals' to research!

They actually belong to my daughter so whatever you do, don't tell her that I have borrowed them! The children had to work in pairs and had the use of an ipad to help them with their research.

They had to find out about their distinguishing features, their natural habitat, how they had adapted to live in that habitat and what they eat. I think the children really enjoyed this and learnt a lot in the process.

Last Day of Term

I can't believe that have just one more week until we break up for the Christmas Holidays!
We will be on timetable until Friday and will Homebase on that last day. The children have been asked to bring in board games from home but please can we ask that our Year Five children do not bring in electrical games etc. 
Thank you.

So, that's it for another week! I hope that you all have a good week and I'll look forward to seeing you back here next week for the last blog of the year.

Mrs Ray

(who is panicking about her lack of Christmas shopping - bah, humbug!)


  1. Love the Xmas decs we bought 7 for family. Would love to see some of class 5pc tho.

  2. awesome decs guys!!!!!!!!LOL G out

  3. I enjoyed selling the decs!!!!G out

  4. decs are amazing!!!!I was on selling team!!!!!!G out

  5. I loved speed sharing!!!!!!G out

  6. loved the cakes!!!!!G out
