Saturday 18 March 2017

Exciting times ahead!

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Well, here we are again! Another busy week in the bag and a very busy ahead of us but more of that later. We have not stopped have we Year Five?

A HUGE Thank You to Scarlett and Eleanor for being brave and writing comments on last week's Blog. As promised, they have been furnished with credits and quite rightly so. Who is going to be brave this week I wonder? If you want to boost your credits, this is a great way to do so.

Anyway, let's have a look at what is in the Blog this week...

Lining Up

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On Monday, Miss Dearden got Year Five and Year Six together and told us how she would like us to line up at specific times of the day so we don't waste any valuable learning time. The children are to line up as usual in the morning before school but are allowed to go straight in after break time and lunch time BUT in silence and in a sensible line.

Well, I am disappointed to report that this new regime is not being recognised by a lot of children who are using this as an opportunity to race inside and have a good chat without following the clear instructions. The reason we want you to come inside in an orderly fashion is so that you are safe, getting ready for your learning as well as ensuring that you are focused and in the right frame of mind.

If I was writing a report for your lining up skills I would write 'must try harder'!

You have been warned!

British Museum

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Oh my goodness me! Is it really less than a week before we go? How exciting!

I hope that you all received the letter that gives you more information about the day. If not, spare letters are available from Reception. It is important that you do have a copy as we need you to complete the attached form that tells us how the children are getting home ASAP.

Please make sure that the children are in the classroom at 5.45am (gulp!) as we MUST get away at 6am on the dot. Any delay this end will result is us trying to play 'catch up' with the London traffic which is, quite frankly, a disaster waiting to happen! We have to be at the Museum by 10.15am ready for our Lecture on the Journey to the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife.

We are hoping to be back around 7.30pm but please be patient as we have the weekend rush hour traffic to contend with. If there are any delays, we will send out a text to let you know our ETA.

Now, I have made myself VERY unpopular (just for a change) by asking that the children DO NOT bring any SWEETS on the trip. I have run quite a few trips in the past and there is nothing worse than experiencing vomit and its aftermath in a small, warm confined and moving space! I am sure that you can empathise me and the Year Five team on that one!

Sports Round Up


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On Wednesday 15th March our intrepid Year Five Netballers played St Mary's Middle and St Osmunds Middle School.

Words by Mr Roberts:
DMS pupils journeyed to the bucolic splendour of Puddletown after school today.
Spring conditions enthused all pupils,DMS competed with customary aplomb-they were great ambassadors for their school.
Well done to all.

DMS 3 St Osmunds 0 WON
DMS 5 St Mary's 0 WON


On Friday, a group of Year Five children took part in the DSSA Year 5 and 6 West Dorset Primary Swimming Gala at the Dorchester Sports Centre.

Words by Mr Roberts:

In a cauldron of forceful and competitive swimmers,DMS acquitted themselves admirably.The rhythmic chant of DMS will surely echo in the heads of spectators - DMS,sometimes beaten but never conquered!

3rd Sunninghill Prep 163
2nd DMS 203
1st St Osmunds 221

Well done Year Five - what a fantastic achievement!

Red Nose Day

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As Year Five will be in London on Red Nose Day, Miss Dearden has kindly agreed for Year Five to have their very own Red Nose Day on Monday 27th March. Hoorah! Please note that is NOT a Non-Uniform Day. For a donation of a £1, we are asking the children to wear something red e.g. red t-shirt, red jumper etc. so what they are doing is essentially substituting items of their uniform for something red (if that makes sense?)

Celebration Assembly

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Just a quick reminder to pop the 7th April, 9.30am in your diaries as the date of our next Celebration Assembly. It will be longer than the last one so it would probably be best to allow an hour for it. We will also be inviting you back to the classrooms afterwards so you can see what the children have been learning.
I hope that the advance notice will be of use to you.
We hope to see you then...

Worth a Mention Children

Huge congratulations to ALL of the children who made it onto this week's Worth a Mention Children Board. Another cracking range of reasons - brilliant!
Well done everyone!

Mrs Daniel's been at it again...

A very pleased/smug Mrs Daniel couldn't wait to show off her latest work of art! 

I am very impressed Mrs Daniel - you actually tell what it is!
I would be proud of this too. Do you think you could teach me?


I sneaked into 5KD's classroom on Friday to see them stuck into a fascinating investigation that involved cups and thermometers! 

What were you testing 5KD? What did you find out? Why do you think your results turned out the way they did?
Answers in the Comments section please!

Multi Skills

All of Year Five have taken part in an inter year group Multi Skills Competition run by our very own Mr Treble and a dedicated group of Year 8 Sports Leaders.

This week it was 5ER's turn...

Now that all the classes have participated in the competiion, Mr Treble was pleased to announce the classes that 'won' the specific activities that had to be completed.

Balance Beam - 5KD
Tennis Ball Run - 5ER
Speed Bounce - 5AD
Bounce Catch - 5CW
Skipping - 5AD
Bean Bag Throw - 5ER.

We don't actually know who the overall winner is, that will be announced in an assembly in the near future. Maybe we could ask Mr Treble to come to our Celebration Assembly? 

A big 'thank you' and 'well done' to ALL of the children and adults who took part in this competition. It was fun wasn't it? Mind you, I did have to have a lie-down after doing all that jumping!

Well, that's it for another week. It turned out to be yet another epic didn't it? I hope you enjoyed it though. I can't wait to see who is going to comment on this blog, my pen is poised and ready to give out credits!

See you next week!

Mrs Ray

(who is terrified of oversleeping on Friday!)


  1. I am also terrified of oversleeping on Friday; I don't want to miss this school trip to the British Museum.
    P.S. I like your blog!
    William Christian

    1. We'll just have to make sure that we have got really good alarm clocks! Thank you for commenting on the Blog William. I'll see you in the morning to give you that well deserved credit!
