Saturday 11 March 2017

A mixed bag.

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Another, crazy week in the life of Year Five? Tick!
So many wonderful things go on in Year Five and I can only report on what I have seen, experienced or been told about. This is just a drop in the ocean isn't it Year Five?
Enjoy the drop!

5CW's PSHCEE Lesson

This week in PSHCEE, 5CW and I were looking at situations in our lives where we have experienced mixed emotions. They had a range of cards to choose from, they had to pick two and then describe/recollect a situation that they have been in where they have experienced those particular two emotions.

Well done 5CW, I was really impressed with your honesty and insightfulness.

All tied up!

The school ran a competition a little while ago where you had the opportunity to design the new tie that will be worn in Key Stage Three from September 2017. I was intrigued when Louis, James and Sam asked me if they could come into our Year Five Assembly but they couldn't/wouldn't tell me why.

It was so exciting when they announced, along with Mrs Pluck, that the winner of the competition was our very own Megan in 5KD! However, when it was announced, Megan wasn't in the room, she was having her clarinet lesson so we whizzed off to get her!

Congratulations Megan, what an incredible achievement!

Super Schools Super Stars

How did you get on with getting your sponsorship money for Super Schools? 
5ER did really well and raised £350 which is terrific!
What did your class raise? How many of you got medals? 
Let me know!

Don't be soft!

OK, so we are a bit behind on our Science lessons compared to the rest of you but we had a great time trying to work out which wood was the softest and which one was the hardest.

How could you tell which one was the hardest/softest? 
Why do you think that was the case?
We're on temperature next - any tips? 

Worth a Mention Children

Huge congratulations to this week's Worth a Mention children. I am proud to announce that Mr Duffy was the first, yes first, teacher to put his names on the board, closely followed by me! Just so that you know, we are usually the last ones to do this!! 

Well done all 11 of you! I am so proud of all your achievements generally but this one is special isn't it?

Keeping  DMS Tidy

Patryk, Ashton and Leo are on this week's Worth a Mention Board for being excellent members of the school community and this is why...

Every lunchtime, they have volunteered to litter pick around the school. It is making such a difference to our school environment. Thank you to Mr Murray for inspiring the boys to do this - they are loving it and we are loving the results!
This week the boys are going to do an assembly for Year Five to tell them about what they are doing and why it is important that we keep the school litter-free. 
I can't wait to see what you have come up with boys.

Wonderful Writing!

Callum was sent to me by his teacher and I am so pleased he was! What a fantastic piece of writing Callum. In fact, what a fabulous range of writing on your Wonderful Writing Wall 5PC.

Drama, drama. drama!

5KD - what on earth have you been up to? It looks as though you have been re-enacting something from Ancient Egyptian times but what? It looks like some sort of debate? If so, what were you debating? Please let me know!

Well, that's it for another week. 
I can hear the disappointed sighs from here!

I would absolutely love it if you would write in the Comments section on the Blog. If you can, I will publish what you have written AND give you a Citizenship Credit as a 'Thank You'. So what are you waiting for? Get commenting!

Mrs Ray

(who is soooo looking forward to the London trip is less than 2 weeks!!)  


  1. The tie competition was exciting! I love the design of the winning tie!
    I wonder what will be on next week!!!

    1. The first one to get a Citizenship Credit! Well done Scarlett, make sure you come and get your credit signed tomorrow morning!

    2. Thank you Mrs Ray!!!
      SCARLETT xx

  2. An awesome blog (as always!) Love the winning tie design!!! By Eleanor hewitson-joseph

  3. I can't wait until the British museum!We are going to have so much fun there.My mum is excited to! If she over sleep I will wake her up!���� Alfie hedges

  4. Well, I have to admit, I haven't been on the Year 5 blog at all so far this year! Soooo sorry but have to say, brilliant blog and fantastic pics of you all. Regarding the London trip, not looking forward to the early start at all but I'm sure it will be worth it for everyone. Once again great blog and well done Mrs Ray.

  5. Great blog Mrs Ray. Looks that Year 5 have been very busy. Are we all ready for the London trip???!!!!! EEEk #earlystart
