Sunday 8 January 2017

A change is as good as a rest?

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

I just want to start this post by wishing you all an extremely Happy New Year! It was lovely to welcome the children back to school and to hear all about their Christmas Holidays. I don't know about you, but I always find the Christmas Holiday very busy indeed so there is part of me that comes back to school for the rest!

As we have been back for the grand total of three days there isn't a huge amount to report this week but you know me, I can always find something to talk about!

All Change!

Image result for school clock

Well, the New Year brought us a new timetable and I have been very impressed with how well the children have coped with all the changes so far. I do appreciate that it is going to take a bit of getting used to but everyone was very positive with the change of lesson times. We were all pleasantly surprised with how quickly the days went, particularly when we only had one lesson after lunch!

Image result for fruit

The one thing I would strongly recommend is that all the children have a sizable snack with them for our 11am break as it will be two hours before lunchtime. I personally have stocked up on enough bananas to feed most of Monkey World for next week!

Golden Time

Image result for school golden time
When looking at the Reading Records for 5ER, I was very impressed with how many children read during the school holidays. Well done to every child who has kept their reading going over the break.

We are back to normal next week so the children should be getting their Home/School Diaries signed for last week and before Christmas, completing their five reads and making sure that the homework that is set this week is handed in on time. I'm not even going to mention the 'D' word!

Golden Time will now be held last thing on a Friday afternoon (3.05pm - 3.25pm) which will be a lovely end to the week.

Uniform Expectations

When we gave the children their new time tables on Wednesday, we looked at the Uniform section in the Home/School Diary to make sure that everyone is wearing the correct uniform.
Just a quick reminder that boots and trainers are not uniform and will be queried if worn in school. If you are in the process of replacing school shoes, please make sure that there is a note in the Home/School Diary to let us know why school shoes are not being worn.

Well, that's it for this week. I hope you all have a good few days and I will look forward to seeing you back here next week where I will hopefully have lots to report to you.

Mrs Ray

(who is looking forward to having a whole week of the new timetable under her belt that has had to move a few notches after Christmas - sob!)

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say - although it seems a long time ago now! - how much we enjoyed the carol concert and music concert before Christmas - so many talented and confident children!
