Saturday 10 October 2015

Are you sitting comfortably?

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Another eventful week and another jam packed blog for you to read! So, without further a do, on with the show!

Helping Hands Appeal

Refugee children are frightened, homeless and many have witnessed unspeakable horrors. We can help them. The Save the Children teams are working across Europe and in the countries they are fleeing to provide aid and support. 
As a year group, we can help them reach more refugee children.

Image result for save the children syrian refugees appeal

Hopefully, your children should have brought home a letter last week explaining how we can help make a difference by running our 'Helping Hands' campaign.

Please encourage your children to earn money for this excellent charity by paying them to do jobs around the home that they will in turn, donate to the charity.

If you didn't receive a letter then please let us know and we will issue a replacement.

I can't wait to see what you have done to earn your money!

Golden Time

I am delighted to announce that not one member of 5ER missed their Golden Time this week! Yeah!

However, I am sad to report that a whole class missed their Golden Time - you know who you are! You also know what you need to do to 'get it right'!

Image result for sad puppy face

There were eight other 'non attenders' who were there for various reasons.

Don't forget what you need to do to get your Golden Time Year Five...!

Parent Consultations

As you will, hopefully, know, we are holding two Parent Consultation Sessions next week:

Monday 12th October 4pm - 6pm
Wednesday 14th October 5pm - 7pm

Letters were distributed on Tuesday and most of the appointment slots have now been filled. However, if you would still like to meet with your child's Homebase Tutor then please do contact them as they may have a few available times or you can arrange to see them on an alternative day.

We look forward to meeting with you!

Worth a Mention Children

Congratulations to this week's Worth a Mention children who are: Eden, Lewis, Jemima, Angus, Mishi, Brandon, Esther, Kane, Sophia and Max.
Well done, what a fantastic achievement!

Celebration Assembly

Just a quick reminder that our first Celebration Assembly of the year will be held on Monday 19th October 2015.
It will be held in the Drama Hall and we ask parents who can attend to arrive for 1pm and sign in on your arrival.
The assembly should start around 1.10pm and should finish at approximately 1.35pm.
If your child will be receiving a certificate then there will be a label in their Home/School Diary informing you a few days before.
We hope you can make it!

Super Schools

This is Jazmine Sawyers and she was a silver medalist in the 2014 Commonwealth Games. 

On Wednesday, Year Five will be meeting her when she comes into school to support us when we are completing our Super School Challenge.

Team Superschools (TSS), a fun, inspirational and exciting way of raising funds for primary schools using the power of sport.
TSS sees pupils rub shoulders with their Olympic and Paralympic heroes.
We promote healthy lifestyles and raise aspirations amongst young children.
The children will be put through their paces (quite literally) on Wednesday 13th October. Please do encourage your child to get as much sponsorship as they can - the more they raise the more the Sports Department of the school will benefit.
Good luck Year Five!
Forest Schools
It's official, the children in Year Five LOVE Forest Schools. We all had a 'taster session' at the beginning of the term and as a result,  the numbers attending the two Forest Schools clubs have significantly risen!
These photographs will show you how much the children love it!

I can't wait to see some of you at the Forest Schools Disco next Friday - I warn you now, Mr Barratt can throw some mean shapes on that dance floor!
...and finally!
Miss Still is a brilliant TA isn't she? She really puts her heart, soul and crown into what she does...

Sorry Miss Still but we couldn't resist it!!

So, that's it for another week. Still no comments on the Blog which makes my 'sad face' even sadder! There must be someone out there who could write a comment?! Please?
Have a good week everyone!
Mrs Ray
(who will be looking over her shoulder on Monday morning in case Miss Still tries to get her own back!)


  1. Good parents evening where the blog was plugged so I've just caught up as had missed a few weeks. Looking forward to hearing more about the story Chris is writing for the first school children

  2. Well done 5ER for not losing any golden time. Most definitely the best class in year 5? Josh is really looking forward to the sports on Wednesday, to the point where he has been busy exercising at home.

  3. Fab parents evening. Well done 5ER on the golden time. Beth L has been busy getting sponsor money for the sports on wednesday.

  4. It,s me kane thank you for poting me on the school blog.

  5. I like to see miss still helping children by chloe symes

  6. hi it is me Amy bowman 5PC i really enjoyed the Buddens farm trip and supper schools was really fun to thank you for

  7. Hi Mrs Ray
    I loved meeting Jazmine Sawyers and doing the taster on forest schools and I also went to the forest schools disco and had great fun!
    Thanks so much for taking the time to write the blog I love reading it with my mum.
    This is my first reply so I hope I did okay.
    Rosie-Drew Howard (5PC)

  8. its Abigail and at the school disco Miss still danced and it was quit funny hahaha
