Sunday 4 October 2015

Always time for something!

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Another cracking week under our belts - 5KD, 5AD and 5PC had a glorious trip to Buddens on Monday and the follow up work has well and truly started. The children have already written cracking recounts of our various trips and we are now in the process of creating interesting maps of the route we took around Buddens. 

Anyway, let's have a look at what has been going on in Year Five this week...

Story Time

It doesn't matter how hold you are, we all love being told a story. Year Five is no exception and thoroughly enjoyed having Jill Murphy's 'On the Way Home' read to them.

"Why are the English teachers reading this particular story?" I hear you cry! Well, there is a perfectly logical explanation. Using this story as a starting point, the children are going to write a story for younger children cataloging a series of excuses as to why homework has not been handed in!

The fabulous thing is that we are writing for a real audience - the Year One children at Damers First School and the Foundation and Year One children at Prince of Wales First School. We will be going to the First Schools to read our stories to the children in person in a few weeks time.

We better crack on with it then!

Golden Time

This week 16, yes, 16 children missed their Golden Time this week.

Image result for sad minion

The addition of homework has thrown in a bit of a spanner in the works when it comes to a few children getting their Golden Time.
We understand how busy life is, we really do, which is why we are more than happy to help the children complete their homework.

There are three options available:
1. Speak to the teacher who has set the homework and ask them to help.
2. Study Group that is held in ICT 3 every lunchtime. Make sure that you eat your lunch before you go. The session starts at 12.40pm until 1.00pm.
3. Homework Club with Mrs Foot and Mrs Klein in ICT 1 and 2. You can eat your lunch with them before you start doing your homework and they are happy to help you if you are stuck.

Let's try and make sure that EVERYONE gets their Golden Time this week...

Buddens Time

As promised in last week's Blog, I have got a few more photographs of the trips to Buddens.

These terrific photographs were taken by Miss Enever on Monday when she was with 5PC:

You look at though you had a great time 5PC!

Mrs Lister also accompanied Year Five on both days and here is a selection of the fabulous photographs she took:


Tech Time

In Year Five, the children are given incredible opportunities to make an interesting range of things in their weekly tech lessons.

Unfortunately, the resources and materials that the children use do cost money. A letter came home this week asking for a £5 contribution to materials, we would be so grateful if you respond to this request so that the Technology Department can continue to run these fabulous projects for the children.

Sunny Time

I love the sun and there is nothing more heartwarming that feeling that warmth in my classroom. However, this pesky sun also prevents a couple of children being able to see what they are doing because they are squinting!

What a dilemma! Do I shut the blinds and inadvertently block out the sun or do I allow the children to squint whenever the sun makes an appearance?


Provide them with sunglasses so that everyone is a winner!

Writing Time

New to Year Five this year has been the introduction of 'Wonderful Writing' displays.

The work that goes on these boards needs to be the children's 'best' work and something they are proud of.

Mrs Daniel's class kicked it all of with this wonderful display of Cinquain poetry.

Well done 5AD - what a joy to behold in the Year Five corridor!

Well, that's it for another week.
There weren't any comments on last week's blog (I am currently sporting my 'sad' face) so come on, be brave and make an ageing blogger very happy!

Have a good week everyone!

Mrs Ray

(who is currently choosing the best five recounts in 5ER to go on her Wonderful Writing wall...!)



  1. Loving the sunglassess Beth!

  2. thank you for putting me on the blog from primrose

  3. wow lots of nice writing 5ER ive seen it from Abigail
