Saturday 20 January 2018

Where do I start?

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Another week in the bag and what a bonkers week it has been! I have just started 'Speed Sharing' with the Year Five children which involves the children choosing their favourite piece of writing so far this year and then explaining to me, in roughly one minute, why they have chosen it, what they have done well and what they need to work on. I saw all of 5AD on Tuesday and saw about a third of 5PC on Friday. 
I am delighted to report that the children are making marvelous progress and producing some very impressive pieces of writing. I am looking forward to seeing the rest of 5PC next week and 5CW will have their turn on Thursday. 
I am so excited!!

Anyway, there are other highlights from the week so here we go...

Milkshakes Are Go!

A HUGE 'Thank You' to everyone who supported the Milkshake and Cookie Bar on Tuesday by purchasing around 120 chocolate and strawberry milkshakes as well as my body weight in biscuits (i.e. lots)!

I also want to say a massive 'Thank You' to our fabulous helpers Isaac, Mary, Bailey and Mia who were just brilliant especially when I managed to knock a whole cup of strawberry milkshake all over the table! 

Mrs Daniel and Miss Woodley were also complete and utter superstars - thank you ladies!

We raised a fabulous £60.18.
The money we have raised is starting to mount up and that's before the three events we have planned for next week!

Crafty Mrs Lister!

Mrs Lister is an incredibly talented lady! She has very kindly put these talents into use especially for us. She has made the most incredible key ring fobs and book marks.

Prices start from £1.50 up to £3.50 and we will be selling Mrs Lister's creations in the Year Five Corridor from Monday break time and will be on sale every break time until they are sold out.

You better be quick though, I can't see these beautiful creations hanging around for long!

Hot Chocolate Cafe 

Image result for hot chocolate in plastic cups

During Tuesday break time, Mr Duffy will be turning his classroom into a Hot Chocolate Cafe. For the bargain price of 50p the children will get a 'hot' chocolate and biscuit.

There will also be the opportunity to purchase a Hot Chocolate Cone made by the wonderful Miss Enever.

Image result for hot chocolate cones

Don't miss out!

Cake, I LOVE Cake!

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As if we weren't spoiling you enough!

Don't forget that we will also be having a Cake Sale in the Year Five Corridor during break time on THURSDAY. Thank you in advance for those kind souls who are bringing in cake and the the equally kind souls who will be purchasing and eating them!

Worth a Mention Children

Mahoosive congratulations to all of the fabulous children who found their names on this week's Worth a Mention board. 
A special mention to Matthew who worked especially hard to get his Golden Time this week.


Huge congratulations to Mr and Mrs Duffy on the birth of their daughter Holly who was born on New Year's Eve!

Isn't she gorgeous?

Well, that's it for this week. It was a bit of an epic wasn't it? Make sure that you log in again next week where we should have a final total for our fundraising efforts - how exciting!

Have a good week everyone and I will look forward to 'seeing' you back here next weekend.

Mrs Ray

(who is now the proud owner of an Emergency First Aid at Work Qualification. Be afraid, be very afraid!!) 

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