Sunday 8 October 2017

Getting to really know you...

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Oh my! 
Another jam-packed week, most of it feels as though it has been dedicated to the ancient art of 'lining up'. It is a specialist skill that involves complex detail such as lining up in a straight line, facing the front and not chatting! I think we are getting there, slowly but surely...
Anyway, enough about that, let's see what's new in Year Five.

Celebration Assembly

Image result for celebration assembly

Our first Celebration Assembly of the year will be held on Thursday 19th October at 2.05pm. We ask that you are in school around 1.55pm, making sure that you sign in on your arrival. The assembly usually lasts for about 20 minutes and will focus on what the children have achieved in such a short time.

We look forward to seeing you then.

Parent Consultations

Image result for shaking hands

Although there is quite a short turnaround time, we are busy making appointments to meet with many of you a week Monday (4pm - 6pm) and Wednesday (5pm - 7pm). We are looking forward to meeting with you and discussing how the children have settled into their new school.

Please don't forget to send the completed slip into school ASAP so that your child's Homebase Tutor can give you an appointment day/time.

We are so looking forward to meeting with you.


Next week sees Year Five breaking free from Dorchester and invading the beautiful Buddens outside Wareham.

The children have been told what they need to bring and what they need to wear on the day - if this information has not reached you then please do let your child's Homebase Tutor know as soon as possible!

Life Education Van

This week, Naomi and the Life Education Van visited Dorchester Middle School.

Naomi had a fabulous time with the Year Group and was so impressed with the maturity and positivity that the children demonstrated in the sessions.

My personal highlight was meeting Harold - he is a legend!

Dorchester University

I hope that your children are enjoying the Dorchester University experience as much as we are?

I am loving my module The Art of St Ives - we have learnt so much and had a lot of fun in the process!

The wonderful Mrs Schnorr has been coming in to help every week and been a complete and utter star. However, after the presentation of 17 beautiful, handmade aprons, she has now been elevated to 'Goddess' status!

Aren't they fabulous? 
Clever Mrs Schnorr!

Worth a Mention Children

Huge congratulations to this week's WAMs! What incredible children you are...

So well deserved - well done!

New Residents

You may have heard that we have welcomed a new group to Dorchester Middle School?

Yes, that's right - we now have chickens!
They are rescued Battery Hens and they have made themselves right at home. Their feathers are starting to grow back and they have even managed to lay a few eggs for us in the process!

Miss Still is the mastermind behind this and I think we can safely say that she has bonded with our new recruits...

Gorgeous! I wasn't quite brave enough to hold one myself (which is ironic as I am a farmer's daughter!) but I did stroke the chicken, making sure I washed my hands afterwards.

They are very welcome additions to the DMS Family aren't they?

So, that's it for another week!
I am looking forward to reporting back from our Buddens Trip, I really hope that they weather is kind to us.

Have a good week and I'll see you back here next weekend!

Mrs Ray

(...who had fun at a family wedding at the weekend! I'm not the only one who has a bonkers family, right?)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It's hard to believe that it's nearly time for your celebration assembly. I have been hearing great things about all the different modules you are all doing in Dorchester University.
    Theresa. X
