Sunday 9 July 2017

Bring me sunshine

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Well, here I am on Sunday and I have just about (and only just) recovered from the busiest week known to man! It's been terrific, it really has, but my goodness me, I bet the children were shattered when it came to Friday!

Lots to report so here we go...

Summer Concert

On Monday and Tuesday, the Music Department threw open the doors and invited parents and carers to our annual summer concerts. I had the honour of attending the Tuesday night performance and to say that it was a brilliant evening would be the understatement of the year!

There were a lot of Year Five musicians on the stage and there were fantastic! The confidence and talent that you showed us was incredible - I am so proud of you!

Sports Day

Mr Roberts, postponing Sports Day last week was a good call - what a glorious day that was!
I was so impressed (again!) with the Year Five children for their effort, positive attitudes and super behaviour. It was a long but excellent day.

Here are a few of the zillions of photographs that Miss Enever and I took between us. Enjoy!

Huge congratulations to 5AD who were the winners of the Year Group - what a brilliant result! Now, we all know how incredibly non-competitive Mrs Daniel is (snigger!) so it was a good job that you were the champions! 

Transfer Day

I hope you all enjoyed Transfer Day on Thursday and feel a little less nervous about joining Year Six now that you have spent a morning in the year group. 

We had a great day meeting the new Year Four children and there were lots of smiley faces at the end of the day (phew!).

In the evening we met with the parents and a few of the Year Five children were selected to model our uniform and sports kit. They were brilliant!

Thank you to my models - Paris beckons!

Cinema Trip

Image result for despicable me 3

As you should all know by now - Year Five are off to the cinema to see Despicable Me Three on Monday 17th July. Please make sure that slips and money are returned as soon as possible. 
Thank you!

Worth a Mention Children

There was no doubt in any of our minds that this week ALL the children in the Year Group were Worth a Mention!

What a fabulous board! 
Well done everyone - you really do deserve it!

Dates for the Diary

Buddy Picnic - Wednesday 19th July 
(details to follow, the children will be planning it this week)

Celebration Assembly - Thursday 20th July at 9.30am

End of term - Friday 21st July - normal finish time.

So, that it's for another week! I am hoping that next week will be a little less hectic but who can tell?
Have a lovely week and I'll see you back here next weekend for the penultimate blog of the year.

Any comments this week? Go on, you know you want to!

Mrs Ray

(who is still recovering from her 'sprinting' efforts on Sports Day!) 


  1. Hi Mrs.Ray
    It was really hot on Wednesday and Thursday.
    I can't believe that the whole year group,about 150 children, are Worth A Mention!
    Were we given are reports on Friday because I wasn't there?
    See you on Monday.
    Amelie 5ER

  2. I really enjoyed sports day and performing in the summer concert. I didn't win anything on sports day but it was really good fun! Well Done to everyone who did. You were all really good!
    Eleanor Hewitson - Joseph 5ER

  3. Theresa Schnorr14 July 2017 at 08:45

    You all did fantastically on sports day and should all be very proud of yourselves.

    Enjoy your trip on Monday to the cinema. I shall enjoy hearing about it!

