Sunday 25 June 2017

On your marks...

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

I hope you have all had a good week and enjoyed the blistering heat and beautiful sunshine. As I write, the weather isn't quite what it was but hey, it's the weekend, what did we expect? (Blimey! How British did that sound?)

Anyway, let's crack on with the Blog.

Worth a Mention Children

Huge congratulations to all the children who found their names on the Worth a Mention Board this week. I was so impressed with all the reasons for your selection, what a fabulous group of children you are. Well done one and all!

Year Five Athletes

Last Friday, Mr Roberts took a group of children from Key Stage Two to Budmouth for an Athletics Meeting.

From Mr Roberts...
On Friday 16th June,26 of our pupils travelled to Budmouth School for the SW Dorset Schools Athletics Finals.
DMS were outstanding,all pupils were superb role models and the success of our pupils remained unrivalled.
8   1st  places was indicative of the ability and endeavour of our pupils-well done.

Congratulations to you all and thank you for representing our school so positively and with incredible results. I believe that a few of you will be going on to represent Dorset in the South-West Finals.


Sports Day

Just to remind you that our school Sports Day is scheduled for Wednesday 28th June
Year Five start their day with Playground Games first thing in the morning, followed by Tug of War. We then break early for lunch (11.40am) and then crack on with the track and field events in the afternoon, starting at 12.30pm.

Celebration Assembly

Image result for celebrating minions

Just a reminder that our last Celebration Assembly of the year will be held on Thursday 20th July at 9.30am in the Drama Hall. It will last for at least an hour as there will be A LOT of celebrating - I warn you now!

Buddy Picnic

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We will be holding our annual Buddy Picnic on Wednesday 19th July. It is a lovely opportunity for a last, proper get together before the Year Eights move up to Thomas Hardye. If your child normally has a school lunch then it might be worth not booking one that day. However, if you do then Local Food Links are brilliant and make sure that the children are catered for.

Teacher of the Year!

We have a celebrity in our midst!

Huge congratulations to our very own Ms Seymour who won Wessex FM's 'Teacher of the Year' as part of their Local Hero Awards.

We all know and love Ms Seymour so this award is well and truly deserved. She has been working hard behind the scenes getting ready for our new Year Five children which means she will be back with us in September - hoorah!

Well done Ms Seymour - you will always be a hero in our eyes!

Blossoming beautifully!

5AD are doing a rather fine job with their Green Plants topic - look at the beautiful flowers they made this week!

 Very clever indeed - I can't wait for 5ER to make these flowers. It looks as though you had a lot of fun?

Well, that's it for next week.
I hope you all have a good week and I may well see you at Sports Day on Wednesday.

I would absolutely love to publish your comments on the blog but they are proving to be a bit thin on the ground! Come on Year Five - you know you want to!

Mrs Ray

(who is in intensive training for the Staff Relay on Wednesday. Apparently I can't do it in heels, something to do with Health and Safety?!)

1 comment:

  1. My mummy agrees with the health and safety but you could wear trainers with heels instead - I've found these ones on line you might want to take a peek at

    From Seren Daly 5KD
