Saturday 20 May 2017

Ahoy there!

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Another busy and, quite frankly, exhausting week! You are all officially amazing! Why? Find out below...

Walk to School Week

So, how many of you actually walked to school this week then? Sometimes it's really tricky to participate in these initiatives, especially when you live out in the sticks! I grew up on a farm so if I had to walk to school then I would have had to set off at the crack of dawn!

In our PSHCEE lesson this week, 5CW and I walked a mile around the school grounds.

To prove to you that we did indeed walk a mile, here is the evidence:

Don't you just love technology? It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience, thank you 5CW!

RNLI to the rescue!

This year, Alice and Edward, who are Lifeguards in Weymouth, came to DMS to talk about how to keep safe on the beach this summer. Before their arrival though, the children completed a homework based on the impending visit.

We entered into the spirit of the day by wearing our wellies...

... and boy (or should that be 'buoy?!) we really did fill that welly, it was full to the top.

Thank you Mr Heaton for the loan of your welly - it was a perfect fit and extremely heavy!

The talk that Alice and Edward gave us was informative and fun. We learnt so much!

We are yet to hear how much we raised but judging by the weight of the welly your generosity is in no doubt - thank you so much!


As the weather is getting warmer, finally, I have been asked to remind you that the uniform requirements stay the same therefore no trainer socks please! 
Grey/black/navy or white knee high/ankle socks are the official uniform.
Thank you!

Kate Kelly

On Thursday, we welcomed Kate Kelly, author of Red Rock, into our school. After an assembly with Key Stage Two, she dropped in on Book Group and we had a lovely hour with her.

It was lovely to meet a local author and I have a sneaky feeling that she was quite an inspiration to a few of our children.

Working together

I popped into Mrs Daniel's Maths Group on Friday as I had heard that it's a rather productive day for them.

There was such a lovely buzz in the room as the children marked homework with their Homework Buddy, feeding back to each other and discussing what went wrong if they had an incorrect answer.
I loved it and will Magpie it with my Maths Group!

Celebration Assembly

I hope you all received the message that we have a Celebration Assembly on Wednesday the 24th May at 2.30pm in the Drama Hall.
Apologies for the relatively short notice but we couldn't see a half term go by without celebrating the children's successes!
It will short and sweet, just like this half of the term!

Worth a Mention Children

As always, HUGE congratulations to this week's WAMs. I spied that the RNLI Homework generated a few mentions which is terrific.

Well done one and all!

Well, that's it for this week. That was another Mrs Ray epic wasn't it? I'm sure you're used to them by now?

Have a good weekend and if you are at Kingston Mauward on Sunday morning, please do cheer Miss Clements and I who will be dragging around my 'anti-running' nine year old daughter Elsie around the Race for Life. It was her idea, promise!

Mrs Ray

(who will never bring an inflatable to the beach ever again!)

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