Saturday 3 December 2016

Christmas is definitely coming...

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

I think the word 'busy' doesn't really cover it! It is always hectic on the lead up to any end of term but the approach to Christmas verges on the manic doesn't it?

Without further a do, let's see what has been going on in Year Five this week...

Getting into shape

Maths is a great subject but some of the concepts can be quite tricky can't they? 
3D shapes are no exception so, in Mrs Ray and Miss Enever's Maths Group, we used a Carroll Diagram to help us think about the properties of these shapes.

We were really impressed with the children's knowledge of 3D shapes - long may it continue!


On Tuesday, Dorchester Middle School had a visit from Mike Bushell, BBC Sports Presenter and Diverse Sports Champion alongside a Bournemouth University Film Crew and extraneous staff.

Mr Roberts was asked to select pupils across the school so that the new sport of Funslinging, could be filmed and then rolled out as a National Disability Sport.

Our Year Five Representatives were Liam, Freddie and Isla.

They had a fantastic time trying out 'Funslinging' - from what I can see in the pictures, I think it's going to be a huge hit.

Thank you for representing our year group so positively and having a go at something that will be new for everyone.

Let them eat cake!

On Monday, 5ER had a very special delivery indeed - the most delicious cake ever made by the lovely Elliott. 

Thank you for the cake Elliott, it was scrummy!

Worth a Mention Children

Huge congratulations to this week's chosen ten.
Another cracking range of reasons to show us why you have been selected to have your name on this very prestigious board.

Lovely to see the hard work that is going on in English in particular. Well done everyone!

Golden Time

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Sadly, my buoyant optimism from last week's Blog has fallen somewhat flat as 19 children missed their Golden Time this week. I am even sadder to report that 6 children missed their Golden Time as they had received a detention in the week.

However, we will put that all behind us and move forward to a new week full of hope and optimism!  

Come on Year Five, we can do it!

Celebration Assembly

Image result for christmas celebrations

A date for your diaries - Thursday 15th December.
This is the date of our next celebration assembly that will be held in the Drama Hall at 9.30am and will last for roughly an hour. 
We hope that you will be able to make it so we can all celebrate our children's successes and achievements from the Autumn Term.

Little People Christmas Decorations

 At the end of March, we are going to take the Year Five children to visit the British Museum in London as part of our Ancient Egypt topic in Humanities.

There will be a lot more information heading your way after Christmas but one of the main things is that we ask the children to do is to help fund raise so that we reduce the cost of the trip.

As part of this fundraising, the incredible Sally Boardman makes (especially for Year Five) lots of beautiful, hand-knitted Christmas Decorations.

We will start selling them next week in the Year Five Corridor (I will confirm the day in the Pupil Daily Notices) at the bargain price of £2 each. 
All proceeds go towards our British Museum Trip.

So, that's it for another week. I hope you all have a good week and let's work hard to get that Golden Time under our belts this week!

Mrs Ray

(who is really looking forward to the DMS Christmas Carol Service on Tuesday evening - see you there?!)

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