Sunday 6 November 2016

Back in the fold.

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

I hope you all had a great half term and that you all had the opportunity to recharge your batteries. As with all holidays, the week whizzed by didn't it? Mind you, so did the four days we were back in school!
Anyway, enough of my ramblings and on with the Blog.

Worth a Mention Children

Well done to this week's Worth a Mention Children (aka WAMS) who clearly made an excellent impression on their teachers over the past four days. 

Another set of cracking reasons for being mentioned this week - absolutely brilliant! Congratulations to every single one of you!

Science Day

On Wednesday, Year Five are going to be off timetable in order to experience a whole day of glorious Science!

There will be a variety of activities for the children to experience. Here is a selection of some of the things we will have on offer...

 I'm not going to tell you too much as I don't want to ruin any surprises but I am pretty confident that you will learn a lot and have lots of fun in the process.

Golden Time

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Well, the numbers are starting to reduce (slowly but surely) which is good news but quite a few of you are still missing your Golden Time.

Reading and Homework continue to be the main reasons for Golden Time being missed. We offer to help every week but we need to be told! Please remember this, especially if you are getting to that point of the week when you know you need to get a couple more reads under your belt!

We are definitely getting there...

Helping Hands

Image result for helping hands

A HUGE 'Thank You' to every single one of you who have kindly contributed to this fundraising campaign on the behalf of Save the Children.

Once we know how much we have raised, we will let you know...

Pupil Voice Representatives

Just before half term, all the Year Five classes voted for the children they would like to represent them on the Pupil Voice Committee.

Here are the Year Five Pupil Representatives for the next year.
Exciting times ahead!

So, that's it for another week. Tune in next week to find out how Science Day went and what we got up to do - we'll put lots of lovely pictures on the Blog for you to enjoy.

Have a good week!

Mrs Ray

(who is now the proud owner of a nine year old - I'll be asking all Year Five parents for tips!!)  

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