Saturday 14 May 2016


Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

I am proud to report that we have had another super week in Year Five! As Head of Year, I am delighted with how positive the children are when it comes to their learning and how they are taking on board the ideas and concepts that we are teaching them.

Let's have a closer look at what the children have been getting up to this week...

Wildlife in the Cloakroom

On Tuesday, I spotted all sorts of wild creatures entering the school. I was rather alarmed as I hadn't risk-assessed this so imagine my relief when I discovered, on further inspection, that they weren't actually real! Phew!

Could someone please explain what on earth was going on? When I did make enquiries, the words 'ICT' were muttered at me but that's as far as I got. Anyone going to enlighten me?

Worth a Mention Children

I was thrilled to see this week's batch of Worth a Mention Children on the board. 
What an impressive and inspirational gang you are!

Well done everyone, we are so proud of you!

Golden Time

Image result for happy minions

This week, just four (yes, four) children missed their Golden Time. Two children missed it because they had received a detention.

All of 5AD, 5ER and 5PC received their Golden Time!

I must make a special mention to the mighty 5PC who all received their Golden Time for the second week in a row!

Fantastic! Well done 5PC!

Activities Week

It's not long now until Activities Week and we are putting the finishing touches to what will hopefully be a fun week where the children will learn and do lots of interesting things!

If you kindly volunteered to help during the week at all then your child's Homebase Tutor should have been in touch with you to let you know what we would like you to do and when.

A letter detailing everything your child will need for Activities Week will be winging its way to you at the beginning of next week.

Please note that on the Brownsea Island trip (Tuesday) the children will not be back in school until 4.30pm. 

5AD see the light!

I warn you now, Mrs Daniel has been trying to draw - look away if you are of a nervous disposition!

Right, now that I've got that warning out of the way, let's have a look and see what 5AD have been up to in Science...

Would anyone in 5AD please enlighten me again and let me know what you were doing in this lesson? I have a sneaky feeling that it's something to do with light?!

Adverts, adverts, adverts!

Staying with 5AD, who have been extremely busy this week, let's see what they have got up to in their English lessons.

I definitely see the advertising executives of the future right here! I miss the Innovations Catalogue - don't you? Would someone in 5AD like to tell us about what you have been doing in the Comments section? 
Go on, you know you want to!

The RNLI are coming to the rescue!

Image result for rnli

Don't forget that next week will see the arrival of our first ever 'Welly Wednesday'!
I hope you have found out some interesting facts about the RNLI and that you are thinking of good questions to ask them when they are with us on Wednesday...

Celebration Assembly

Just a final reminder for Monday's assembly in the Hall. If your child is receiving a certificate then there should be a label in your child's Home/School Diary.

We are aiming to start at 1.10pm and should be finished by 1.35pm. A short but sweet one this time.


Image result for scooters for kids

It has been brought to my attention that a lot of children are bringing and riding their scooters on the playground. This is strictly forbidden and, if you are seen to be doing this then it will, sadly, result in an instant detention.

Make sure that it isn't you!

Well, that's it for another week! We are going to have such a busy week so make sure you keep on top of your reading, homework, getting your diary signed and keep  out of the Detention Room!

See you next week!

Mrs Ray

(who survived the Triathlon on Sunday. The best thing about coming in last is that you get the biggest round of applause!!)


  1. Well done for doing the triathlon Mrs.Ray!!!!!by Ry Gerety 5ER

  2. Yay!!mrs Ray well done for the triathlon and yay I got worth a mention Georgia Elliott 5er xxx

  3. Well done on your triathlon Mrs Ray!! I think I will wear my wellies on RNLI Wednesday, due to bad weather. It's always great to read your blog. Freya J 5CW

  4. Georgia Barnes 5 ER17 May 2016 at 12:44

    Yay my Goffie the girafe is famous as he is on this blog. He came to visit us in our ICT class to be in a movie.

    Well done on your Triathlon Mrs Ray. I would like to do one too one day. BYE

  5. Well done Mrs Ray for completing the triathlon on Sunday, I would of never of been able to do that. We are having lots of fun in ICT. Thank you.
