Sunday 24 April 2016

Back to reality?

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Another fabulous week of learning completed - well done Year Five. I can't believe that we have already launched into our final term of the academic year, can you?
Anyway, lots of to share so off we go...

British Museum Part Two

As promised last week, here are a few more photographs from last week's trip  to London. Thank you to Miss Stacey, Mrs Elliott, Mrs Hayward-Trevarthen and Lilly Owen for the pictures.

The best 'awe and wonder' moment ever!
Looking at some of the follow-up work, what the children have learnt from this trip is just incredible! 
It's the trip that keeps on giving!

Bring and Buy Sale

As you might (or might not) know, we are having a 'Bring and Buy Sale' next week to raise money to help purchase playground equipment for our Physical Disabilities Base.  If you can't donate any of the things mentioned on the poster then don't forget to bring your money with you on Thursday!

Golden Time

This week, 11 children missed their Golden Time. One of them was, sadly, due to receiving a detention.
The return of homework seems to have caught some of you out, don't forget to keep on top of it Year Five! If you are struggling to get your homework done at home, please don't forget that there are lots of opportunities for you to get your homework completed in school with or without help.
It's down to you at the end of the day isn't it?

Open Morning

On Saturday, we opened the school doors for a couple of hours so our new Year Five recruits could come and have a look around the school with their parents and carers.

Our fabulous Year Five children gave up their Saturday morning to volunteer their services as guides and they were absolutely brilliant. To say that I am proud of you all would the the understatement of the year!

Here are a few of Miss Enever's super photographs of the morning...

I hope the Year Four children enjoyed their tour of the school. We are looking forward to see you all again on Thursday 7th July for Transfer Day.

So, that's it for another week.
I hope you have a great week and I will look forward to seeing you back here next week.

Don't forget to keep commenting on the Blog - I am enjoying handing out the Citizenship Credits...

Mrs Ray

(who has managed to cut down on her 'power naps' this week!)


  1. Some more great photo's of your trip. Josh is still talking about it.

  2. Love the pictures of the British Museum trip, what a wonderful opportunity for the childen. Emma had a super day. Now we are into the summer term, can I just say how much I enjoy reading the weekly year 5 blog and looking at the all important photos! Big thank you to Mrs Ray for taking the time to do this, your enthusiasm and your humour!
