Saturday 21 November 2015

Back to reality?!

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Is there such a thing as 'normal' week in Year Five? Er, no! We've been really busy with our learning haven't we? I have a sneaky that we have had a lot of fun in the process, am I right Year Five?

Lots to report on so on with the show...

Student Voice Representatives

These fine children have been voted to be the Year Five Student Voice representatives by the children in their classes. The whole process is extremely democratic and I am delighted that we have such super children representing Year Five.

Worth a Mention Children

This week's Worth a Mention children are:
Kennan, Sophia, Alex, Sophia, Euan, Sophie, Nye, Layla, Luke and Kate.
Well done on being recognised for your hard work and all round loveliness. We are very proud of you.

Sorting some shapes...

We love our Maths lessons don't we? On Friday, Mrs Ray amd Miss Enever's Maths Group started to look at 3D shapes and then sorted them into groups.

I think the children did a fantastic job of working out where the shapes go in this Caroll Diagram.

What a load of old rot!

We continue with our Ecology topic in Science and this week, 5ER raided the Pond area and brought some of the logs into the classroom so we could see how much they have rotted and what has caused this decay.

We also brought in a variety of leaves to see what happens to them as they decay. The children had to choose leaves that showed the whole decay process from newly fallen to virtually skeletal.

Pete the Penguin

 Pete is our resident Emperor Penguin and decided to visit 5ER to see how they were getting on with their Non Chronological Reports. 

Whilst he was in Room 4, he took a bit of a shine to Seren.

Honestly, I can't take that penguin anywhere can I?
Be prepared for Pete coming to a classroom near you very soon indeed!

Golden Time

I am sad to report that 13 children missed their Golden Time this week. Even sadder than that, two of the children missed their Golden Time becuase they had been in Detention.

However, well done to all of those of you who earned their Golden Time this week. I believe you had a bit of a treat in the playground as you witnessed Mrs Daniel learning how to use a Diabolo?

Brilliant! Is there no end to this lady's talents?!

Well, that's it for another week.
I hope you all have a good week and I look forward to seeing you back here next week.

Don't forget to comment on the Blog - it makes my day when I receive comments to publish!

Mrs Ray

(who is preparing herself for the 'cold spell' by stocking up on chocolate, hot and cold!)


  1. Chris was bursting with excitement about being picked for the student voice and even happier he gets to share it with Sam as his deputy. Well done all! He also had a fab time at Boccia Thursday!

    1. Thank you for making my day! What a great comment!

  2. Wow...that was 3 years ago? Has Mrs Ray given up on Daisy and the cows for Pete. Gender equality I suppose
    Oliver Wills
    Former 5GRRRRR pupil!!!!!

  3. Don't worry Oli, I haven't given up on Daisy and her herd but Pete has been a great help in our English lessons!!!

  4. hi Mrs Ray,
    I was on the blog because I am a school council member in year 5 I auditioned for school council it was very scary but is was worth it bye
    Rosie-Drew 5PC
