Saturday 19 September 2015


Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Well, I think the children are, on the whole, feeling very at home and have found their feet. How do I know this? Now there's a question! 

However, this is the animal that the year group tend to relate to at the moment!
Image result for goldfish
I will try and explain in this post...!

After School Clubs

A huge thank you to parents/carers for taking time to write in the Home/School diaries to give your children permission to attend the plethora of After School Clubs that we have to offer at DMS.

If a child is attending an After School Club for the first time then written permission will still need to be given.

Thank you. 

Golden Time

Image result for school golden time

This week 11 children missed their Golden Time. 
What a shame!

Please remember that the children's Reading Records need to be signed at least once a week by an adult along with the Home/School Diaries from the previous week.

The Cobweb Cafe homework is due in very soon (23rd September). Maths and English homework will also be set this week.
It's a lot to remember isn't it? 

If you are struggling with this then please let your teacher know as soon as possible so that they can help you.

Worth a Mention children

Every week, we will be celebrating those children who are, as it says above, worth a mention. These children's names, along with the reason why, are written on a special board that we have in the Year Five Corridor.

The Worth a mention children this week are:

A huge well done to Eloise, Leon, Cameron, Farhan, Kit, Erin, Chloe, Ben, Josh and Anna on being the first Worth a Mention children of the year. 

Lining Up

This week, Year Five have had to line up at break time three, yes, three times. They STILL don't have the hang of it so guess what they will be doing on Monday? Lining up? How did you guess?!

Does my earlier reference to a Goldfish make sense now?



5CW and 5ER will be the advance party to Buddens this Friday. We are hoping that the weather will be kind to us!

A note will be coming home in the diaries that will reinforce what the children will need to bring with them. 

If you have bravely volunteered to accompany us then please wait in Reception and we collect you before we go. We are aiming to leave as promptly after registration as possible.

Celebration Assembly

Image result for celebration assembly

Once every half term we hold a Celebration Assembly for our Year Five children.
Our first one will be on Monday 19th October at 1.10pm in our Drama Hall. The assembly lasts for approximately 25 minutes.
We will issue you more details nearer the time.

So, that's it for another week. I hope you all have a good week and I look forward to 'seeing' you next week where I will be reporting back from our first Buddens trip including lots of pictures. 
Please don't forget to tell your friends and family about this blog - the more views the better.

Mrs Ray

(who has developed a rather obsessive habit of looking at the weather forecast every two minutes!)


  1. hi Mrs Ray its me.

  2. is your class looking foward to all the awesome trips this year?

  3. Well done Josh, for getting your name on the worth mentioning wall. He has settled in really well and taken to middle school life like a duck to water.
