Sunday 5 July 2015

All change!

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Well, what a week of changes! We were so proud to hear how well behaved and well mannered our children were when they spent the morning with their new Year Six teacher and their new Maths teachers. Well done Year Five (nearly Year Six) - we knew that you would make a good first impression!

So, let's have a look at this week's offering...

Year Five to Year Six

To confirm where the current Year Five classes are going in September:

5CW will be 6KM (Mrs Klein and Mr Murray)
5GR will be 6NR (Miss Randall)
5PC will be 6DW (Miss Ward and Mrs James)
5KD will be 6JB (Miss Bacon)
5AD will be 6TH (Mr Haigh)

How was Transfer Day for you? Let us know in the Comments section at the end of this post.

Fiver Challenge - Market Place Day

What an incredible event! I was bowled away with how hard the teams had worked together to create such excellent products and present it all so professionally!

Miss Enever was, yet again, our official photographer and has really captured the atmosphere of the event. The Dorset Echo also made an appearance so look our for us in a future edition (or let this Blandfordian know when it's in the newspaper)!

The next day, Youth Enterprise's Katherine Sawyer came into school to announce the winners...

 ...and the winners were....

Well done Mia, Eddie, Josh, Beth, Tristan and Ben - you must be so pleased that you made the most profit on the day! You had a really original idea, worked together as a team and won a very tough competition.

Well done to all or our participants this year - every single group made a profit from their £5 which is fantastic!

I would also like to say a huge 'Thank You' to Katherine Sawyer for selecting Dorchester Middle School to participate in this national competition. She gave up a lot of her free time to come in and support our Fiver Challenge groups and her enthusiasm, sound advice and confidence in the children was incredible.

The children now need to decide which community charity or project is going to receive their profit. I'll let you know when decisions have been made...

In a land far, far away...

The latest Year Five homework has, again, captured the children's imaginations. Their task was to create their own country including national flag, language, national dish etc.

Here is a small selection for you to enjoy:

Aren't they brilliant?!

Celebration Assembly

Image result for celebration

As mentioned in a previous post, our last Celebration Assembly of the year will be on Monday 13th July.

However, the time is different, it will start at 9.30am and will last for roughly an hour as we will be reviewing the year as well as presenting the children with their well deserved certificates.

The assembly will still be held in the Drama Hall and tea and coffee will be available before the children arrive.

We really hope you can make it.

Buddy Picnic

Image result for picnic

Monday 13th July is going to a very busy day for the Year 5 children as this is the day that has been chosen for the Year 8 and Year 5 Buddy Picnic.

The children will be getting together this week to plan and organise what they are bringing.
If you have ordered a hot lunch for your child on that day do not worry as the kitchen have very kindly organised a yummy alternative that will be transportable!
If the weather is not on our side, we have a ‘wet weather plan’ in place!

School Fair

Please come along and support the PTA Summer Fair this Friday, 10th July from 4pm – 6pm.

Image result for scones and jam and cream

Year Five are planning a massive Cream Tea stand and some of the children will be asked to bake scones and others will be asked to help us run it. 

Make sure you come hungry!

So, that's it for another week. We look forward to seeing you at one of our events over the next couple of weeks.

Have a good week everyone!

Mrs Ray

(who is looking forward to eating her body weight in scones!)


  1. I had great fun doing the Carwash, Mrs Ray it was a great idea to do the Fiver Challenge. I also really enjoyed transfer morning, sad to be leaving Year 5 but excited to go up to Year 6.
    Mia Briant

  2. I enjoyed the non-uniform day on Friday.
    I also enjoyed playing in the DASP Summer Prom Concert on Saturday. I was proud that they projected two of my paintings, that had been inspired by the music, on the big screen in the hall while the orchestra were playing.
    Eachan Hardie 5CW

  3. hi great blog Mrs Ray. (this is thegamingdog123)

  4. yolo! thanks Mrs Ray for being the best teacher ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. i can not wait for people to try homemade jam!!!
