Friday 29 May 2015

... and relax!

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

This Blog consists of pictures, lots of fabulous pictures, taken by Miss Enever during last week's Activities Week. Needless to say, a fantastic week was had by all.

So, enough of my witterings and on with sharing the joy of Activities Week with you all. There are loads of photographs for you to peruse so you have been warned!

Day One
All the children took part in an art activity that focused on a specific artist. The aim was to reproduce that particular artist's work and the results were excellent.

Andy Warhol - lead by Mr Duffy (5GR and 5KD)

Matisse - lead by Mrs Daniel

Barbara Hepworth - lead by Mrs Ray

Monet - lead by Mrs Cook

Picasso - lead by Mrs White

Now, this is where it starts to get a bit complicated as different classes went on different trips on different days! However, there will be more pictures for you in the next blog so, please bear with me!

Poole Pottery and Poole Museum

Portland Sculpture Quarry and Drill Hall

Sand World and Lodmoor Country Park

Art Exhibition - Day Five

The last day of Activities Week culminated in an incredible exhibition which included a work of art from every single child in Key Stage Two - all 300 of you!

Thank you to all of the parents who came and had a look at the work the children produced over the week - all 182 of you!

We were delighted with the end product...


So, I hope you enjoyed looking at a selection of pictures from our Activities Week. There will be more on the Blog next week as I have pictures from other members of staff to include.

A HUGE thank you to everyone who was instrumental in making Activities Week happen this year - the amount of time, effort and anxiety that is invested by staff in order to put on such a spectacular week can never be truly understood! All the staff in Key Stage Two were amazing and Mr Murray and I will never be able to thank you enough for all your hard work.

I look forward to seeing you back here next week to share our experiences on the first week back and more Activities Week memories.

Mrs Ray

(who is seriously contemplating making a Key Stage Two art gallery a regular occurrence...!)


  1. thegamingdog9996 June 2015 at 02:41

    great blog Mrs Ray

  2. thegamingdog9996 June 2015 at 02:43

    i enjoyed activities week!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. thegamingdog9996 June 2015 at 02:47

    3PIC blog Mrs Ray

  4. thegamingdog9996 June 2015 at 02:48

    Mrs Ray the blog is awesome
