Friday 27 March 2015

Boing, boing, boing!

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Another eggs-travaganza for you this week (did you see what I did there?!) with lots and lots of things to tell you. It's another epic - don't say I didn't warn you!

Solar Eclipse

Here are a few of Miss Enever's pictures from last week's solar eclipse. As mentioned in last week's Blog, we were the year group who stuck it out the longest and, judging from these photographs, it was definitely worth it!

Well done to Mrs White and her class for providing the card with pinholes in them - it certainly made it feel more 'real'.

Celebration Assembly

It was lovely to see so many of you at this week's Celebration Assembly - thank you for coming. It was such a joy to watch so many children receiving certificates for all their hard work this term.

I also enjoyed the watching representatives from all the classes telling us about what they did on our Egyptian Day. The end results were incredible!

Well done Year Five on another lovely assembly and thank you Miss Enever for another batch of brilliant photographs, you have captured some cracking moments.

Dorset's Got Talent

Here are our proud finalists Phoebe and George, showing us their Finalist's certificate. Didn't they do well?

You are definitely winners in our eyes.

Decimal Dude 

A new mathematical concept sees a new mathematical character in Mrs Ray's Maths Group.

May I introduce to you our very own 'Decimal Dude' also known as 'Caleb'!

Yo, yo, yo!

Swimming Gala

A selection of our Year Five children were selected to compete in a gala last Friday. According to Mr Roberts, all our swimmers swam with pride and enthusiasm with a great deal of success.

DMS scored 217 points and finished 2nd out of 12 schools.

Well done to Jamie R, Jamie C, Finbar, Eachan, Isla, Bonnie (who came first in the Year 5 Girls 50m Breaststoke in an an incredible 53:14), Grace and Beth.
 Thank you for representing the school so successfully - we are very proud of you!

Speed Sharing

Yes, it's that time of the term again when Mr Chadwick buys half his bodyweight in sweets, finds himself a comfy chair to sit in and bask in the glorious writing produced by our Year Five children!

This week was the turn of 5GR and 5AD...

Malcolm and Maggie

Who on earth are Malcolm and Maggie? They are 5GR's resident magpies.

They have a very important job - pinching children's good ideas and passing them off as their own. Also known as 'sharing'!

This week they were very busy as 5GR were writing adverts for a new invention...

I think Malcolm particularly liked the last one didn't he?

School Play

Well, my daughter and I went off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz and had the most fantastic evening!

The Drama Club's production of The Wizard of Oz was outstanding and we loved every minute of it. We managed to sneak backstage during the interval to take a couple of photographs of the Year Five children who took part...

I was an extremely proud Head of Year.
A massive 'well done' to everyone who was involved, especially to our Year Five children who were incredible.

Finally, I would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter and hope you have a fun-filled couple of weeks off.

Thank you to everyone who has supported Year Five so positively over the past two terms. As we hurtle towards the last term of the academic year, we hope that you will continue to do so.

I would like to take this opportunity to say a massive 'Thank You' to the incredible Year Five teachers - Mrs Daniel, Mrs Cook, Mrs White, Mrs Gaffney and Mr Duffy along with our amazing teaching assistants and support staff - Mrs Lister, Miss Enever, Mrs Whitbread and Miss Wood.

 This blogger will be having a couple of weeks off now so enjoy the peace and quiet whilst it lasts!

Mrs Ray

(who is being super good so that the Easter Bunny visits her and rewards her for all the posts she has put on the Year Five Blog!)  


  1. hope you had a good Easter Mrs Ray

    1. It's gone a bit too quickly for my liking but I'm looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow! Did you have a good time Marley? Was the Easter Bunny generous this year?!

  2. It was nice to see the DMS swimming team photograph. I was pleased to get my swimming stripe for being in the team.
    Eachan Hardie 5CW

  3. Well done to the swimming team for coming second out of twelve teams in the recent swimming gala. I wanted to give a special mention to Bonnie, who is a very experienced competitive swimmer, as she was very helpful and encouraging to the less experienced swimmers on the team.
    Mrs Hardie (Eachan's mum)
