Friday 6 February 2015

Pure magic!

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Now, before you start to read this, you will need get yourself a drink, sit down and get yourself comfortable - this a Mrs Ray epic!
Are you sitting comfortably now? Then I'll begin...

Cake Sale

5CW's and 5PC's Cake Sale raised an astounding £118.50! The cakes were extremely yummy and well received by everyone.
 Thank you to all of you who donated and purchased cakes!

Poetree Competition

This is what out lovely Poetree looked like just a few months ago,

Sadly, this is what it looks like now!

It has been 'poem-less' for quite a few weeks now (sad face!).

We would like YOU to provide the poems for our Year Five Poetree.

This is what you have to do:
1. Write (or print out) your favourite poem on an A5 piece of paper.
2. Give it your teacher.
3. Receive three (yes, three) credits (2x English, 1 x Citizenship)
4. Have your name and poem mentioned on the Blog.
5. Be happy.

Who is going to be the first one?

Celebration Assembly

A final reminder that our next Celebration Assembly is this Monday, (9th February) in the Hall at 1.10pm. If your child is due to receive a certificate then a label should have been put in their Home/School diary.
Hope to see you there...

Non Uniform Day

We had a great day today (Friday) and the Year Group managed to raise a really impressive £129.40 towards our British Museum trip, it's looking good!
You will be informed of the final cost of the trip just before half term. 

Electricity Homework

As I've said before, Year Five's creativity never ceases to amaze me and our latest homework based on energy changes didn't fail to disappoint!

Aren't they great?
Well done Natasha, Izzy, Kashi, Jasmine, Joel, Ben and Harriet, terrific homeworks! I warn you now, this is just a small selection. Nevertheless, I wouldn't be surprised if there were several other fabulous homeworks lurking in the Year Five classrooms!

Harry Potter Night

Thursday was 'Harry Potter Night' and our library was one of several up and down the country taking part in this event.
We had a fun filled evening at Book Group and made the most of our hour and a half!

Hogwarts - February 2015

Flora the Scorer

Professor McGonagall aka Mrs Scott!

Gryffindor Selfie!

The Sorting Hat Ceremony

A HUGE 'Thank You' to Mrs Scott for organising such a great evening! We all had a brilliant time and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! 

CHAT - the return!

As from this Monday, Miss Enever has kindly agreed to resurrect one of the lunchtime CHAT sessions.

You need to make sure you eat your lunch first and then meet Miss Enever in the Year Five Quiet Room.
Thank you Miss Enever!

This week's 'Worth a Mention' children

Well, as you know, the board is up, the borders have been replaced (!) and our Worth a Mention board is well and truly up and running!

Mr Duffy couldn't believe that he got his children's names on the board before Mrs Daniel! He is looking slightly smug isn't he?

Congratulations to the children who are on the board this week, your names will be read out in our Celebration Assembly. Moreover,  gifts of credits will be coming your way!

5KD's Science Afternoon

In Science, we are learning about Electricity. We have had the opportunity to investigate lots of different ideas and theories. 5KD were busy bees this week and had lots of fun carrying out this investigation...

What on earth were you doing? Maybe some of 5KD can tell us all about it in the Comments section of this Blog?

A Special Visitor

Mr Haigh is a brilliant teacher who usually lives in Year Six but he is also our Maths Subject Leader in Key Stage Two.
This week, Mrs Ray and Miss Enever's Maths Group were learning about short multiplication which some children found easier to do than others.
To help the children who were a little on the confused side, those who were confident in this method mentored them with incredibly successful results.

Mr Haigh was snatched out of the middle of his English lesson (by me) so he could see what the children were doing. He didn't seem to mind too much!

A bit of a sad note...

Sixteen, yes, sixteen Year Five children missed their Golden Time this week - what a shame! 
Come on Year Five, you know what you need to do...

Well, that's it for this week. Don't forget we have the Milkshake event during Thursday break time and then we will be able to reveal the final amount raised for our British Museum Trip! How exciting!

Have a good week everyone and I will see you back here next week!

Mrs Ray

(who hopes that she has met 6TH's connective challenge?)


  1. You did well with your challenge from Year 6, Mrs Ray! I love watching the children using the electricity kits, wish we had them when I was at school...was electricity even invented then?!!

  2. The blog is looking good

  3. amazing homework
