Sunday 16 November 2014

Happy, happy, happy!

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

We started the week with a literal bang and ended it with a metaphorical bang!
Read on to find out where/why/how...

Science Day

A fabulous day was had by all! A huge thank you to all the Year Five teachers who made it happen but with a special mention to Mrs White who organised the whole day. 

Observe and Draw with Mrs Ray

The children were given a variety of natural objects to look at in greater detail - the Sea Horses were very popular indeed!

Creep Crawlies with Mr Duffy

Who would have thought that your bog standard garden snail could cause so much excitement? Well, they certainly did on Science Day!

Kitchen Chemistry with Mrs White

Year Five were allowed exclusive access to Science Lab 1 and had a terrific time creating bangs, crashes and fires!

Structures with Mrs Cook

Who would have thought that art straws could be transformed into such tall structures? This was definitely an activity that made you think!

Marble Run with Mrs Daniel

Now, I have a confession to make on this one. Mrs Daniel gave me the names of the winners of this challenge and guess what? Yes, I managed to leave them at school! At least I know where they are. I will announce the winners next week - sorry about that!

The Chemistry Show

This was great fun wasn't it? What was your favourite bit?
Thank you to The Explorer Dome who came and performed their usual scientific magic!

Basketball Players

This the write up that Mr Dailey produced following this incredible Basketball match.

The DMS team strolled out onto the court up at Puddletown to face not only Puddletown but Ossies too. The games began and the yr 5's stepped up nervously and passionately to try to win the title of area champs.
Straight away DMS faced an impressive Puddletown side and lost. The DMS team felt dejected but kept on fighting. On to the Ossies game where clearly you can see that DMS was not going to loose again! 
Onto the second round of matches and DMS faced Ossies again and out classed the school with impressive points by Phoebe and Bailey. However the next match was against Puddletown...... The game started and instantly the snarl in the DMS players faces began to show in their play.
Amelia was very impressive with her dominant rebounding and superb distribution. Toby was in full control when he dribbled the ball up court planning his teams tactics as he went. James was like the road runner who kept finding space and demanded the ball. Lukas was the most excitable player I have seen in a match who just wanted the ball every chance he got. Phoebe played well and was battling through DMS and Puddletown to try and achieve victory every chance she got! Bailey played especially well like he has been playing for a long time! In the end DMS secured victory over Puddletown and scored more baskets than anyone!
Victory was ours!
Congratulations to the pupils who played - they deserve to be recognised from what they showed me as well as being crowned AREA Champions!
Yr 5 Team
Bailey  (6), Amelia (2), Toby (2), Lukas, Phoebe (4) and James 

Well done Team DMS - what an impressive achievement!

Adaptation - Duffy style!

In our Science lessons we have been creating our very own animals that have adapted to live in specific habitats. Mr Duffy created the 'Duffaroo' - seeing is believing!

What animal did you create? What did you call yours? How has it adapted to live in it's habitat? Answers in the 'Comments' section please!

Children in Need - Part One

Well, what can I say? To say that I was impressed with some of the costumes that came into school on Friday is the understatement of the decade! Here is a small selection of the photographs that were taken on the day, there will be more next week.

The school raised an incredible £758 which is fantastic! Thank you so much for all of your contributions and a massive well done to the Year Eight girls who organised us all!

Golden Time

I am sad to report that 18 children (yes, 18!) lost their Golden Time this week which is such a shame!
A lot of homework was not handed in on time so I hope that those children will endeavour to make sure that this is not the case this week.
Come on Year Five, Golden Time is great isn't it? 
Make sure you receive it!

So, that's it for another week! Thank you Eachan for your comment on the last blog - who else is going to be brave and leave one?

Have a good week everyone!

Mrs Ray

(who has decided to invest in a decent pair of wellies due to the amount of rain that has suddenly decided to appear!)


  1. Those costumes look great I wish I could have been there!!!Gizmo out

  2. I really enjoyed that basketball match. LOL!!!!!!!!!Gizmo out

  3. Mr Duffy's drawing skills are amazing!!!!!Gizmo out

  4. I really enjoyed science day and my favourite bit was the marble run. I also liked the kitchen chemistry. Eachan Hardie
