Friday 3 October 2014

A hive of activity!

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog

I hope you have all had a good week. We certainly have in Year Five - our corridor has been a hive of activity since I last posted a blog!

I also wanted to say a huge 'Thank You' to the brave souls who have left a comment at the bottom of the posts - it is greatly appreciated. I am so sorry if I haven't signed all the credits that are due to various people, please remind me and I will endeavour to sign them for you.

So, what am I going to share with you this week?

Football Success

 Mr Roberts was a very proud Head of Department when over 170 children took part in various sporting activities in school on Wednesday.
The Year Five team beat St Osmund's Middle School 1 - 0. The goal was scored by Bailey Lovell.
Well done boys, what a tremendous achievement!

Buddens Animal Study Homework

Well what can I say? What an incredible number of original, creative and beautifully presented homeworks.
I decided to go out and about and take photographs of a few of them so I could show them off to you!

As you will see below, the quality of some of this work is outstanding - a huge thank you to the parents and carers who helped the children access such terrific resources.

I haven't been able to include every single one but will put a few more pictures on here next week.

So, what am I waiting for?!

I have to say that 5GR did particularly well on the home baking front! Thanks to this homework, we have consumed Butterfly Biscuits, Dragonfly Cakes and a delicious Coffee and Walnut Cake with a huge squirrel on top! Yummy!

Well done Year Five - you must be very proud of yourselves!

Follow up work - the sequel

Now that we have been to Buddens, as mentioned last week, we have been doing a lot of follow up work.

One of our tasks has been to research our chosen 'Hot Spots' (things of particular interest) so that we can include them on our maps.

We have been lucky enough to use the ipads for our research...

It's all starting to take shape!

Seed Dispersal

One of the areas we cover in our Ecology Topic is seed dispersal. Mrs White went for a beautiful walk one afternoon and picked up lots of fantastic examples of how seeds are dispersed from the parent plant.

Here she is showing her class her finds...


We had quite a few children miss their Golden Time this week because their homework (predominantly Maths) was not handed in on time.

A lot of children are simply forgetting to take their homework home! Please could we do a 'united nag' on that one?! Thank you!

So, that's it for this week. I hope that you all have a good week. Year Five are particularly excited as we are out and about again but this time with an English focus.
More on that next week!

Mrs Ray

(who is practising reading 'On the Way Home' by Jill Murphy to her six year old daughter, I wonder why?) 

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