Saturday, 1 April 2017

Better late than never!

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Well, I think we have just about recovered from our fantastic trip to That London last week. I can't believe that it was over a week ago! Thank you so much for all the positive feedback, it is really appreciated. 

As a result of our trip, the follow up work started in great earnest on the Monday with the children writing a recount about their day. I have been really impressed with the quality of  the writing that is being produced.

What do you think of the timeline that 5ER produced?

A thing of beauty? I'm not sure what it is but the children and I have thoroughly enjoyed putting it together! Can't wait to read the final results!

Anyway, let's have a look at other events of the week...

Delayed Red Nose Day

A huge thank you to all of you who participated in our 'better late than never' Red Nose Day on Monday. We raised £96.05 and the whole school raised £489.73 in total which is fantastic. Well done and Thank You.

Historical Cooking

To continue with our Ancient Egypt theme, 5CW were busy in the Food Tech room making rather yummy Egyptian Honey Cakes on Friday.

When I visited our future contestants of The Great British Bake Off, they were in the process of weighing up the measurements ready to mix and bake. How did they turn out? Were they delicious or a disaster? Let me know in the Comments Section.

Worth a Mention Children

Huge Congratulations to this week's Worth a Mention Children - especially ALL of 5CW for their fabulous baking. Another terrific set of reasons - well done one and all!

Celebration Assembly

Image result for celebrating minion

Don't forget that we are holding our next Celebration Assembly this Friday at 9.30am in the Drama Hall. We are busy preparing and refining our presentations for you and rather excited about what we are going to show you. 

We will also be giving you the opportunity to come back to your child's classroom so you can have a look at the children's books and enjoy all the things they have been taught this term.

We hope to see you then!

Well, that's it for another week. I can't believe that we break up for the Easter Holidays on Friday - where did that half term go?

Please don't forget to leave comments on the Blog - there are still Citizenship Credits on offer if you do. Mrs Gale deserves lots of credits for her brilliant comments, she has set the bar nice and high!

Anyway, have a good week everyone and I will look forward to seeing some of you on Friday.

Mrs Ray

(who is rather excited about reading the recounts her class have produced. Do I need to get out a bit more?!)

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Near and far

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Well, that was an interesting week wasn't it? Let's crack on and have look at what we got up to. 

Mr Brimble teaches 5ER how to spell!

We have been following a new spelling scheme called No Nonsense Spelling which looks at strategies to learn how to spell specific words with specific rules. 
We were chatting about strategies that we could use and Freddie told us all about 'Rainbow Spelling'. He then proceeded to teach us how to do it.

We were very impressed with the way he explained it to us...

 Thank you Freddie!

Year Five Football Heros

Well done to our intrepid and incredible Year Five Footballers! Here is Mr Robert's report...

Tuesday 21st March 2017
Year 5 Football Match
DMS v St Osmunds Middle School
Result 5-5 DRAW
Sonny 2
Tyler 2

Do not be fooled by the scoreline, this was not a Six Nations match, though if someone had thrown on an egg-shaped ball in the second half it would scarcely have been any stranger than some of the events already taking place on the pitch.

This was a seesaw of a 10 goal thriller, with Ossies threatening the most unlikely of comebacks after being dominated for most of the game.
The rivals upsurge  in the 2nd half did nothing to affect the DMS  self-belief and swagger as Freddie bamboozled his way through defenders. Alex was immense in defence, ably assisted by Jack, who remained defiant.

DMS stood proud and determined,they finished the game level,bragging rights remained under wraps for another day!

Well done boys - what a fantastic result!

British Museum

After a positively early start to the day (!), we eventually made it up to London and proceeded to have a totally fantastic day! It was definitely a day of firsts for us on so many levels, the first one being that we actually got to London ON TIME! We have never achieved that before. Ever. It was the first time we attended the Journey to the Afterlife lecture AND it was the first time that we had a full five hours in the Museum.

Here are a few pictures of the day to give you an idea of what we got up to...

The lecture - this was brilliant and we learnt so much!

Exploring the Museum...

You can't escape Dorchester though can you?

 Enjoying the splendid exterior of this magnificent building...

I could swear the bus drivers are getting younger these days...

What a fantastic day! A HUGE thank you to all our brilliant adults who came with us - you were absolutely marvellous and we couldn't have run this trip without you. I also want to thank all the excellent children that came on the trip, your behaviour was exemplary and I was so proud to take you. Finally, I must thank the amazing DMS team that comprised of teachers and teaching assistants. It was such a long day but your enthusiasm and dedication was simply incredible - thank you.

Red Nose Day

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I hope you had fun on Red Nose Day? Don't forget that Year Five are going to have their very own Red Nose Day on Monday (27th March) where we have asked you to substitute an item of your uniform for something red for £1. Please remember that it is a NOT a complete Non Uniform Day.

That's it for this week's Blog. I hope you have all had a great weekend and that all our lovely Mums are in the process of having a relaxing Mothering Sunday because they are being spoilt rotten by you, their babies!

Have a good week!

Mrs Ray

(who is searching high and low for something red to wear tomorrow!)