Thursday, 23 April 2015

Sunny, sunny, sunny!

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

We have enjoyed such a lovely sunny week haven't we? Well, it has been at the time of writing so if the weather has taken a turn for the worse when you read this then all I can do is apologise!

Let's see what the children have been up tp this week...

Speed Sharing

Last (but by no means least) to take part in the Year Five Speed Sharing experience was the lovely 5PC! I was in the throes of teaching when I could hear lots of impressed Mr Chadwick noises(you need to hear them to believe them!) coming from the Year Five corridor. I quickly grabbed my camera, temporarily abandoned my class and took the following photographs:

Well done 5PC, another great sharing session!


As you know, 5AD went to Streetwise last week so it was the turn of 5GR, 5PC and 5KD this week. We all had a great time at this incredible Safety Centre and learnt so much! Many of our children had been to Streetwise whilst they were in Key Stage One yet they enjoyed this trip enormously and felt that it was extremely beneficial.

Here are a few pictures of the 5GR experience - did you visit the same scenarios or did you look at different ones?

What was your favourite scenario?

ICT Lessons

"Mrs Ray! Mrs Ray! I've got some great photos for the Blog!" yelled Miss Enever as she chased me down the corridor.
I quicky turned around as I am always on the lookout for new items to post on the blog.

"That's great!" I enthuse, "I'll include them on this week's post."

"Brilliant! I hope you enjoy them." she said happily.
"I'm pretty sure I will - thank you so much," and off I trotted to Room 4.

Well, here are the photographs for your enjoyment. All I cam work out is:
1. It is an ICT lesson.
2. It's 5KD
3. Mr Haigh was teaching them
4. The lesson has something to do with Lego.
5. Animation might be involved.

If you were in this lesson or experienced a similar lesson to this, please could you tell us about what you were up to in the Comments section below because I don't have a Scooby Doo!

Thank you! 

Activities Week reminder

Just to remind you that we need the balance for our up and coming Activities Week as soon as possible. A big thank You' to those who have already done this but there are still several payments due. It is vital that balances are settled as soon as possible so that all the trips can go ahead.

A letter will be winging its way to you today (Friday) with regards to Parent Helpers. If you have volunteered your services of can now help us during Activities Week then please return the form to school by Friday 1st May. This will be our cut off day so that we an start to organise the logistics of our trips. 

Celebration Assembly

Please make a note in your diaries that the next Year Five Celebration Assembly will be on Monday 11th May.
Usual time, usual place!

Well, that's it for another week! Have a good weekend and I'll 'see' you next week. Don't forget to write something in the 'Comments' section...

Mrs Ray

(who is off to London to watch her lunatic of a husband run in the Marathon on Sunday!)