Saturday, 7 May 2016

Brace yourselves!

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog.

As you know, we are always incredibly busy in Year Five and, yet again, this week has been no exception! We also have a lot coming up so I think our blog is going to be jam packed over the next few weeks.

Enough of my ramblings, let's get on with the interesting stuff!

Conscience Alley

Image result for wreck of the zanzibar

In our English lessons we are in the process of reading The Wreck of the Zanzibar by Michael Morpurgo. It's a fabulous book and the children are really engaged with it which is terrific.

This week, the children of 5ER had to think about the character of Billy who had to make a life changing decision. To help him make his decision we used the 'Conscience Alley' technique, giving Billy reasons for against his potential choice. 

We roped in Mrs Lister to be Billy and a mighty fine Billy she was too...

Calligraphy Club

Every week, Mr Duffy runs a Calligraphy Club for children in Year Five. I happened to come across this the other day and I was so impressed with the work the children were doing.

Thank you Mr Duffy for giving up your lunchtime for the children, it is greatly appreciated!

Worth a Mention Children

Another week, another group of super children who have worked hard and, as a result of this, are making excellent progress. Another lovely range of reasons this week, well done to all ten of you - we are extremely proud of you! 

Golden Time

Image result for disappointed minion

For the third week in a row, 11 children missed their Golden Time. Two children in the Year Group received a detention.

Well done 5PC - all of you received your Golden Time this week - fantastic!

The majority of the children who missed their Golden Time missed it because their homework was not handed in on time. Please don't forget that there are lots of opportunities for you to get your homework completed in school but at the end of the day, you need to remember to take it home and hand it in!

Let's hope that those who miss their Golden Time is greatly reduced next week... 

Celebration Assembly

Just to remind you that our next Celebration Assembly is on Monday 16th May @: 1.10pm in the Hall. 

If you can attend, please be in school as near to 1.00pm as possible so we can seat you as soon as we have cleared the Hall and out the chairs out.

As usual, we will be putting labels in the children's Home/School Diaries to let you know if they will be receiving a certificate.

The RNLI are coming to DMS!

Image result for RNLI
Yes, it is true, we have real life RNLI Lifeguards coming to talk to Year Five on Wednesday 18th May! How exciting!
The children will be participating in their ‘Meet the Lifeguard programme’ and they will be delivering a beach safety assembly from experienced RNLI lifeguards.

Every single day the RNLI save the lives of four children who’ve got into trouble in the water. Most of these emergency situations could have been avoided if the children had been aware of the most basic safety facts. This assembly aims to give our children an understanding of beach safety and enable them to identify problems that may occur on the beach.

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As there is no charge for this visit, we would like to show our appreciation by helping to support the important work the RNLI does by holding a 'Wear your Wellies to School' day on the 18th May. We would also like it if the children brought in any loose change you may have so that we can 'fill' a welly full of money that we can present to the RNLI on the day.

Activities Week

Image result for brownsea island

As mentioned in last week's Blog, we are still waiting for several outstanding payments for Activities Week.

Final payment request letters have gone home and we would be very grateful if these balances could be settled as soon as possible. It would be such a shame to cancel specific activities because we have not received sufficient funds...

So, that's it for another week. I hope you all have a good week and don't forget to keep commenting on the Blog - you know I love it when you do!

See you next week!

Mrs Ray

(who is wondering why on earth she signed up to do a Triathalon on Sunday - it was clearly a moment of madness!!)

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Getting it right?

Hello and welcome back to the Year Five Blog!

Another fabulous week jam-packed with lots of marvelous learning but there have been a few blips haven't there Year Five? Let's hope that it's just a phase and that you will all be back to your super selves next week. 
Despite these 'blips', there has been a lot going on in the Year Group so let's see what our Year Fives have been up to this week...

Open Morning Thank You

A HUGE Thank You to ALL of our fantastic helpers from last Saturday's Open Morning. The number of incredibly positive comments that we received from our future parents was just brilliant and it made us prouder of you than ever.

Not all our guides are pictured here but I can't begin to thank you for giving up your Saturday morning to represent your school so successfully.

You are all amazing!

Bring and Buy Sale

Thursday's Bring and Buy Sale was a huge success. In fact, it was a sell out!

Thank you to everyone who donated unwanted possessions and thank you to everyone who bought them. I suppose the expression 'one man's trash is another man's treasure' rings true here? The cakes were also very yummy!

I'll let you know how much was raised to help purchase playground equipment for our wheelchair children as soon as I have a total.

Activities Week Reminder

   Image result for dorset county museum  Image result for brownsea island

Activities Week is hurtling towards us and we are all working hard to make sure the children have a week to remember. 

Our theme this year is 'The Arts' and I think you will agree that we have a packed and fun programme including a trip to Brownsea Island and a session at the Dorset County Museum.

The final balance was due on the 20th March but, unfortunately, there are quite a few overdue payments. Without payment, there is the strong possibility that certain activities will not be able to proceed due to lack of funds.

If you have been kind enough to volunteer your services of help during the week, your child's Homebase Tutor will be in touch with you over the next few days.

Worth a Mention Children

A huge 'well done' to this week's Worth a Mention Children. There is a very strong English theme this week, how fantastic!
A brilliant achievement, congratulations!

Golden Time

Image result for disappointed minion

This week 11 children missed their Golden Time. Sadly, three children missed it due to Detention.

Can we reduce this number for next week?

Remember that you are expected to have two Reading Record entries now but this does include reading over the weekend. This is your responsibility Year Five so make sure you get the entries written down by the adult who kindly listens to you read!

Terrific Textiles

Tuesday and Thursday afternoons are always looked forward to by our Year Fives as it is Technology afternoon!

The work that is produced in these lessons are incredible and I am so impressed with the quality of what the children design and create.

On Friday morning I noticed a new batch of beautiful pencil cases proudly sat on the children's desks.

Gorgeous aren't they?

PE Kit Reminder

Members of the PE Department have brought to my attention that a lot of children are borrowing PE Kit on a regular basis. Whilst we appreciate that kit is forgotten from time to time, it is important that the children have their own items and that they are in school for the required days.

As we are now in the Summer Term, the children are expected to wear their white kit for Games and PE.

To remind you:

PE Kit – Boys/Girls
White shorts
White short sleeved T Shirt with school logo
White short socks
Training Shoes or plimsolls

Dorchester Middle School uniform is available from Dorset Schoolwear.
53 Great George Street, Weymouth, Dorset  DT4 8NN  Tel. 01305 780700
Email:         Website:

Well, that's it for another week.
I hope you all have a great Bank Holiday Weekend and I will look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!

Keep the comments coming, they're a bit thin on the ground at the moment!

Mrs Ray

(who is hoping that the typical Bank Holiday weather stays away!)